Funny thing happened

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5 Year Member
May 23, 2009
Well, okay it might not be super hilarious but it was cute. I had just finished feeding Kevlar outside (he even ran around a lot and snapped at a fly). When he was back inside in his enclosure he climbed into his waterdish and seem to just stand there. It ended up he was falling asleep!(he even bobbed his head like someone trying to stay up) as soon as his mouth touched the water, he jumped straight up and extended his neck the farthest it could, and then opened his eyes looking around dazed almost (haha). He then scuttled out of his waterdish into his flowerpot and disappeared for a while. He looked pretty bummed out so I gave him a strawberry cap (and he was magically better).


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5 Year Member
Jul 28, 2009
Awwwwww! I cant wait until I can see the personality of my new "Yoda"!


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Oct 6, 2007
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Flametorch, I have to ask.... Can you honestly say you have friends that would think your story was funny or cute??? I mean, I can totally relate. I sit and watch my guys for hours that I would never admit to. I laugh out load whenever I enter my encosure with a hibiscus flower and watch out for my toes. My RF Jack will climb Mt Lincoln to get to it.. I love it, but the truth is, here(this forum) seems to be where I can see people enjoying it with me. I have no one that would really understand here.(home). I don't mean to sound so sappy, and I am pleased my family helps out on occassion and hubby will build what ever. But do you have real people that enjoy it with you?
And yes I think your Kevlar sounds like a hoot! Is there pics here of him?


5 Year Member
May 23, 2009
lol to be honest I do have friends but I tend to keep it a little seperate with my more personal life. I guess you could say I'm the person who could watch something like tortoises for hours and not be bored (yes, very true :D). My friends do think kevlar's adorable, but they always miss the good parts! there is a video of him on youtube... marked Kevlar the tortoise

I do see what you mean, I guess in a more social light I wouldn't be so open about my turtle life. Just in my honest opinion, but I'm pretty sure if I brought a friend over we would be stuck in the same situation with our legs tucked under us watching a moving rock for hours just eating and walking... :D


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Aug 21, 2007
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Inland Empire, CA
Flametorch. Kevlars adventures sure sounded cute. Gotta love babies, they play so hard and then boom they are out.:)

Some of my co-workers ask about my torts, Like "How are the torts doing?" And often now they ask questions about them. Examples: how do they mate? what do you feed them? What do you see in them, I mean they are not like a puppy or kitten? But only two people I work with have torts and I don't see them often. I know the others are being kind and know that is what I am into, as my close, close friend said "Oh, Robyn’s gone over the edge when it comes to torts. She is just out there." "I think shes even ignoring her poor" :p She says it with love, but I know she does not understand the passion I have as we have discussed it and she even admited she is somewhat jealous as she has no passion like that. So yes I do come on here and talk about them to people, my extended family, that understands. As my signature states, 'Torts are my calming factor” I could watch them, and do for hours I work in a really high stress level job and my torts calm me and bring a kind of peace to me. I can talk about and too them forever. One co-worker just asked me today; “if you could get across one thing about tortoises what would it be?” I didn’t even think about it. I simply said, “ they are intelligent beings with personality and feelings and horribly misunderstood and far too often mis-cared for, usually because of mis-information. Ok more than one thing but I got it said. :D


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Oct 6, 2007
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Belchertown Ma
Gee, I just had a , what is it, blinding fash of the obvious'?? Something like that. Could it be why so many are drawn to these cyber bars?? They meet folks that are in similiar boats??? I came on this forum looking for an answer to a question, not to tell stupid funny stories how I got bit by a boxie. But here I am, sometimes daily, (although sometimes it's weekly) But I look forward to your stories and pictures. Oh no, and I have been so resistant to being in that technology vaccuum so many are in. What's next, a cell phone???

And I know just what you mean Robyn, and I work at a vets!! and still get that feeling they ask just to be nice.. I get all the exotic calls because I am the'exotic person". I mean most of the folks there really just think they are not as important as a furry pet.. (I'll deny I say that under oath.) Oh well, we are who we are.


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5 Year Member
Feb 25, 2009
Worse, I could spend hours up in a grand stand, in the rain, watching a judge going over the finer points of shell shape and color before putting up his choice for grand champ. OH, and marking my catalogue as to my personal thoughts on each entry:))
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