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  1. yoshitofu

    Something catastrophic beyong belief happened

    Oh yeah I so agree. As much as I love Yoshi and tortoises all around I think it's safe to say I could let him go to a proper owner with time for their maintenance.
  2. yoshitofu

    Something catastrophic beyong belief happened

    Gosh it just hits me in the heart chambers how that could be. I thought I could have another because of Yoshi but it turns out it wasn't the best of ideas....
  3. yoshitofu

    Something catastrophic beyong belief happened

    That completely makes sense! He seemed discrete through out the time I had him but thank you so much for your word. Yoshi seems like a normal tortoise, hard shell and alert however do you think I should check him?
  4. yoshitofu

    Something catastrophic beyong belief happened

    *Dear reader before you go any further you should know this is ends in a casualty I need an answer to...* Last night I finally had the guts to pick up my 7 month old Sulcata, Tofu who bunks with my one year old sulcata, Yoshi. I have had Tofu since the beginning of september and now the school...
  5. yoshitofu

    So my mom told me.

    My mom comes back from Scales n' Tales (which is a reptile shop in Denver) She was talking to the man who runs the store as she was picking up Yoshi and Tofu's special mix. He tells her very rarely do Sulcatas live in Colorado because of the weather, which is completely reasonable and logical...
  6. yoshitofu

    Skeptical about rot mouth and heating + Yoshi and Tofu pics

    oh!! thank you so so much. :3 yes I soaked them and they look so much better already I've also been putting special tortoise cream on their shells, no worries its all natural and fortifying!!
  7. yoshitofu

    Skeptical about rot mouth and heating + Yoshi and Tofu pics

    So I've got the soak gist down, once again I was soaking Yoshi throughout this time I've had him just not for a month or so, as well as the baby, because my mom claimed soaks give them water poising and whatnot. Now I am a bit silly and skeptical, I actually took a few pictures of them tonight...
  8. yoshitofu

    New girl :) + help

    Thank you do much! :) yes, i will also post pics as well.
  9. yoshitofu

    New girl :) + help

    Thank you guys so so much and I will post as much photos as I can once I able to. So soaking is a major must and with the 'salad' there's a reptile shop that puts their 'salad' together it includes dandelion and all that jazz with vitamins tossed inside. Tofu had his first soak this morning and...
  10. yoshitofu

    New girl :) + help

    Hey there! My name is Mariah, I have two sulcata tortoises, Yoshi who turned one a month ago and Tofu the new baby in the house who's a hatchling, hatched about, I would say the same time around Yoshi a year later - so a baby baby hatchling. Yoshi was a bit sassy with Tofu at first but now...