New girl :) + help

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Oct 18, 2012
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Hey there!

My name is Mariah, I have two sulcata tortoises, Yoshi who turned one a month ago and Tofu the new baby in the house who's a hatchling, hatched about, I would say the same time around Yoshi a year later - so a baby baby hatchling. Yoshi was a bit sassy with Tofu at first but now I think they get along, they even sleep in the same burrow!

So here's the situation with them, for starters I live in Colorado and I know theres some harsh winters so their located in a wooden tortoise box in my basement with some double jointed basking lamp and some other light I can't identify and a UVB light. I feed them fresh tossed salad exclusive to a reptile shop in Denver and my mom claims they get water from their food and too much water could cause 'water poising' so usually I'll feel guilty and just throw a dish in but then I feel afraid not to. Ever since I stopped giving Yoshi soaks, I hear its bad for their digestive track, he seems a bit dry, should I be giving them soaks? Oh and they live over wood chips and dry wash cloths with in their little den.

^ I love them so much, so I really hope if you could spot anything wrong let me know instantly, much help :)

I'm aware of my basking lamp at the moment its a red light instead of ceramic and I have no clue how many watts it gives but I find my tortoises burrowing in the corner sleeping day and night near the light as if they need to snuggle. Could this be winter or hibernation? Also I don't know if I should take them out and let them run around but they seem too sleepy when they take their long term naps. Is any of this I should be aware of?



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Welcome :) Please make sure they get there soaks its very important to the health of your tortoise and a water dish that they can soak in if they want too should be available at all times. It would be great to see pictures of your enclosure and your tortoises :)


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Welcome to TF!! There is a tons of great info here that will really help you.

Soaks are soooo important. dehydration is a major cause of pyramiding. they should be eating a majority of grasses and weeds with some flowers and other dark greens. any type of lettuce thats really watery is no good. dry high fiber foods make up the main part of their diet. check both of those areas to make sure they grow up happy and healthy. We love pics around here! if you have some feel free to share. Enclosure pics and tortoise pics help get better answers to your questions as well.


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Jul 15, 2012
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From the sound of things, your mom has not heard about the new information that is available. Sulcatas are desert tortoises but they are not out in the heat of the day and for three months of the year it is very wet and humid. During this time is when the babies are hatched and they live where it is wet and humid. Another thing, sulcatas do not hibernate. Your temps may be too low. You need a thermometer in there to tell you what your temperatures are. I also would not put a washcloth in there with them, I am not sure what the point of it would be. They need a humid hide to live in so that they get more of the humidity they need to grow healthy and smooth. There is a member here, named Tom, he has put together a whole slew of information for us newbies and you need to read them to help your tortoises be as happy and healthy as possible. I would not keep them housed in wood chips, I would use coco coir or cypress mulch. I favor the coco coir. You should be able to find them at a pet store. You can get away with feeding them a spring mix, go easy on the spinach, during the winter months but grasses, weeds, and flowers are a better diet. Make sure you soak them in warm water for at least twenty minutes every day and then spray them throughout the day if they are looking dry. I would always keep a water dish in there, a terra cotta saucer for plants, works great. Read Tom's threads on raising hatchlings and you will be set. I would also read his threads on the end of pyramiding. There is a wealth of information in his threads. They are such a help! Good luck and keep us posted and don't forget the pictures, as has been stated, we love them! :)

Yvonne G

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Hi Mariah, and Welcome to the Forum!!

I mean no disrespect to your mother, but in this case, she's all wet (so to speak!!). Your tortoises need water and they DON'T receive all their moisture from their food. Your new baby especially needs water. Please read the "Important Threads" at the top of the sulcata section. There you will learn that soaking baby sulcatas in warm water daily and having a moist substrate in a humid environment will help your baby to grow smoothly with no pyramids. It may be hard for you to keep their enclosure warm enough in the basement with all that water, so you might consider covering the habitat. or partially covering it.


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Oct 11, 2012
Hello, and welcome to the forum. I have no words of wisdom for you, but I know you are at the right place to learn. Good luck with your babys.


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Hello and welcome. Your mom is old school so to speak. Sulcatas need hydration, you should be soaking them also. Along with misting them. There tank should be humid. Click the threads below my signature. There is lots of useful information, I recommend reading...


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yoshitofu said:
. I feed them fresh tossed salad exclusive to a reptile shop in Denver

Hi and welcome! How old are you, may I ask? I had not heard of a pet store selling fresh reptile salads before. What all does it have in it? Do you have a temp gun? Those are not only fun to use on everything, but also really a smart idea so you know exactly what temps are in and around your tortoises. Especially with little guys who have such a small amount of bady mass to help them hold in heat or to protect them from too much heat.


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Oct 18, 2012
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Thank you guys so so much and I will post as much photos as I can once I able to. So soaking is a major must and with the 'salad' there's a reptile shop that puts their 'salad' together it includes dandelion and all that jazz with vitamins tossed inside. Tofu had his first soak this morning and Yoshi is back on the soaks, yeah I notice Yoshi's shell is slightly slightly squishy so I promise to do anything I can, i've been dabbing this shell lotion on then specially made for terrapins. I am 17 but I'm super girly so... I might sound younger that I actually am XD I really really love my tortoises and I want to make the best of them if they're going to be in the rest of my life :)
Oh and this has been a little over two weeks without proper soaking or heating from what I know, do you think they'll be okay once I get every
Do you think they will be okay?


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I think they will be fine. I usually explain to new tort owners that every living thing needs water. And the smsller they are the faster they dehydrate. Welcome to tfo! READ READ READ! There is years of experience to learn from here.


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Oct 18, 2012
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kanalomele said:
I think they will be fine. I usually explain to new tort owners that every living thing needs water. And the smsller they are the faster they dehydrate. Welcome to tfo! READ READ READ! There is years of experience to learn from here.

Thank you do much! :) yes, i will also post pics as well.
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