Skeptical about rot mouth and heating + Yoshi and Tofu pics

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Oct 18, 2012
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So I've got the soak gist down, once again I was soaking Yoshi throughout this time I've had him just not for a month or so, as well as the baby, because my mom claimed soaks give them water poising and whatnot. Now I am a bit silly and skeptical, I actually took a few pictures of them tonight, waking them up so I could get to the bottom of this - Yoshi... I looked at the difference between him and Tofu and something, well everything doesn't seem right.


This is a blurry capture of Yoshi but a zoom on his face and legs, I am panicking if he has mouth rot or not but he yawns and he seemed pretty okay - maybe just food stains? If thats possible.


This is a caption of Yoshi.


This is Tofu, he's really sassy and really strong and he's said to be active and he is I mean when it was warmer just in weather he was strut around his new house and he always doesn't want to be held

Which leads I my next question, the enclosure Tofu came with included this double dome light, which includes this one normal light that somehow isn't the UVB because the enclosure came with its own little UVB light? Then there's the red heating bulb - its 100 watts and keep in mind this is Colorado winter time however the enclosure is in a cozy room in the basement, I mean I don't want to deprive Yoshi any longer too. :/

So these are all my worries and probably some unaware faults, I would love some advice on pursuing a healthier state for the both of them! :)


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maybe just food stains? If thats possible.

Yes, torts beak/mouth can be stained from food---sometimes green stains, sometimes darker stains---alot depends on what they are eating as to stain colors.

I have to say that the first thing that I noticed is that the torts look very dehydrated, I would absolutely soak them each individually in a warm water soak for no less than 30 minutes...if they dirty the water with poo I would simply replace the soiled water with new warm water and continue the soak until at least 30 minutes....warm water soaks absolutely do not offer water poisoning (unless you have sludge water and in that event I would suppose you are not drinking either?:p)....yes, please do soak the torts--especially since they are young--they can dehydrate quickly....


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DITTO, soaks are very important. Water poisoning, really? Unless you can't drink your water because it would make you sick, there is no possible way of water poisoning. Have you read the threads at the bottom of my post. If not, please do and have your mother read them also.


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Oct 18, 2012
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oh!! thank you so so much. :3 yes I soaked them and they look so much better already I've also been putting special tortoise cream on their shells, no worries its all natural and fortifying!!
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