California Desert Tortoise egg laying question


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5 Year Member
Mar 14, 2019
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SantA Barbara
My female desert tortoise Topaz has always layed two clutches of eggs per year. This year she layed one clutch with two eggs and then about a month ago she started digging around looking like she was going to dig a nest but never followed through with finishing it. 3 weeks went by and I started to worry. She stopped digging around and then today I found one egg above ground. She is about 25 years old and eating and active and generally looks healthy. She has a heated house on a thermostat and roams the back yard freely. She is fed Mazuri tortoise diet, dandelion greens, eats grass and hibiscus flowers etc...She is soaked in warm water every two weeks and drinks when we have the sprinkler on. I am worried she may have impacted eggs now. Need advice. My veterinarian retired, looking for another one currently. Attached are photos of her previous eggs.


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The Dog Trainer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Is there a male too?

What temperature is the heated house kept at?

This species doesn't do well in cool clammy places. The closer you are to the coast, the worse it is. How far from the coast are you? With a heated shelter and a basking bulb for any day that isn't warm and sunny, they can get by.

Its normal for them to dig test holes and not lay, but its also possible that its too cold and clammy and that your tortoise is retaining eggs.

I would soak twice a week, not twice a month. This is true for any DT, but especially so for an egg laying female because they expel a fair amount of their saved water when egg laying.


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Lots of times a car ride will help get them out, it did my leopard. Also soaks in a tub where there is lots of room to scramble around trying to get out will help get insides moving.