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  1. PapS

    Isn't autumn fantastic?

    There's all this new growth (finally) in my yard, all those weeds and stuff my tortoise loves. Unfortunately most of them look tattered now that I am tearing them off and feeding them to her in bundles. At least weeds grow back. Nom nom nom... :tort:
  2. PapS

    I had a pet for about 5 hours!

    The pet was a fledgling sparrow. My cat had caught it and I took it from her (she stared at me maliciously for a while). I put it inside a small kennel (I have never owned birds so no birdcage) with some branches, a teacup plate with water and some breadcrumbs and left for work (the poor thing...
  3. PapS

    My tortoise hates soaking

    She has always hated it. This far I haven't been doing it often because I didn't want to torture the poor animal. Now that I have come here I have learned that soaking is good and that covering the soaking place helps with relieving stress. It's true that she calms a bit if soaking place is dark...
  4. PapS

    Lentils 'n rice!

    I had given some to my tortoise some years ago (simply boiled, without anything else) and she loved them. Are they safe to eat? I have been thinking of introducing them as an occasional treat since she loved them so much...
  5. PapS

    Can cuttlebone cause impaction?

    Yesterday I gave a cuttlebone to my tortoise. She ate it all just fine, but on one small section the hard part was there (idk how I missed it). Now, it was a small section for my size, but the chunk with the hard part was triangular and as large as the tortoise's mouth and it took a bit of...
  6. PapS

    Finally took a pic of Abby!

    I don't take many pics of her for w/e reason. So I decided to take an eating one. I couldn't take a pic with her mouth open though... The hide she dug herself. I had made her one which was basically a hole covered with a wood plate but two years ago she decided it wasn't enough and dug in the...
  7. PapS

    Question about enclosure switch...

    My garden has two potential places for my tortoise to stay. One is a ~6m long, ~40cm wide, ~30cm tall enclosure, where I keep her now. The other one is ~1.5m long, ~50cm wide and same height as the previous one. Both of them have shade in one end, easy to dig soil and can grow the local plants...
  8. PapS


    I'm new here and I decided the best way to start out in these forums was to introduce myself. I actually got here by pure chance while I was searching about tortoise habitats. I'm shy when in a new situation (you might have guessed that from the rather forced way I write) so posting like this...