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  1. A

    Sulcata Mom

    Thanks Tom - I do agree Georgie is outgrowing our lanai however our restrictive city rules would make an outdoor enclosure very difficult - not impossible I will try walking her outside and try my acrylic panel ideas first. Next step would be a Sanctuary but I really don't want that...
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    Sulcata Mom

    I will thanks!
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    Sulcata Mom

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'm thinking opaque acrillic siliconed into the screen frames. I think wood would give her a toe-hold and up & over she would go! At leastit sounds like I'm on the right track in blocking her sight line. They are SO visual!! Thanks again!
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    Sulcata Mom

    Thanks! No she'd pull lattice right out. She's already broken our toilet valve piping in the pool bath! Hubby is NOT happy with her. Opaque solid acrillic might work if I silicon it into the screen frames. Will keep trying because I really love her and want to keep her!! Thanks again!
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    Sulcata Mom

    My name is Anita, Niti to my friends. 2 Years ago I "inherited" my Grandson's Sulcata tortoise so that makes her about 3 and a half. Georgie is 13 pounds, carapace is 12+ inches long (Yes, I am over feeding her). She is still flat as a pancake underneath, so I believe she's a she. Time will...