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  1. A

    No poo for 3 weeks, HELP PLEASE

    Ok, so the X-ray showed nothing to the vets at all that they know of. They have sent a picture of the X-ray to more specialist people somewhere else in England. Am waiting for a phone call to see if they can see anything from it. I have taken a photo of the X-ray, so if there are any specialists...
  2. A

    No poo for 3 weeks, HELP PLEASE

    Ouch, that sounds nasty. She is having calcium supplements in her food. Also no poo so back to vets soon to get some X-rays done, poor little thing x [hr] Also we cannot buy tinned pumpkin here in England, they just don't sell it any where.
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    No poo for 3 weeks, HELP PLEASE

    I think the photos may be quite deceiving, we make sure her head is held comfortably above the water level and skirt just under, so it bubbles from behind when she goes in :) She is 12 years this year. She is adorable to be around as is very tolerable of anything we do, just seems a little off...
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    No poo for 3 weeks, HELP PLEASE

    She still has no sign off pooing :( still hiding in the shade but eating lots x [hr] Here is nutmeg in her bath today [hr] From above [hr] Nutmeg a couple of months ago
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    No poo for 3 weeks, HELP PLEASE

    Thank you for the welcome, and advice. I will keep you updated on Nutmegs activities in the loo area and updates from the vets. Hope I can help someone else who maybe experience similar issues with their little friend. x
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    No poo for 3 weeks, HELP PLEASE

    Thank you for the welcome. I will be sure to try her in the bath tub first thing tomorrow. We have a couple of thermometers in different places in her indoor area, but we are having a serious heat wave at the moment so you maybe right about temps being off for her. Oh well, I will keep you updated.
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    No poo for 3 weeks, HELP PLEASE

    I don't think she does eat her own poop. She finds it a struggle to eat without our hand feeding her unless we leave a huge pile for her to tuck into. No little stones or soil could have been eaten either :( It's quite worrying. We give her plenty of soaks, but I shall put her in the actual bath...
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    No poo for 3 weeks, HELP PLEASE

    [/size]My partner and I have a very poorly little girl, Nutmeg who is a Marginated tortoise, eleven years old. She was taken to the vets once out of her usual hibernation period and refused foods but drank plenty. It was found at the vets she was blind, due to the temperature dropping too low...