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  1. N4Nancy

    New Enclosure for my Hatchling!

    Previous to this I had a smaller box with much shorter sides and I couldn't keep the box humid at all. My substrate was so dry that it formed dust clouds! So new set up that includes spaghnum moss to keep it humid and a mix of organic soil and cypress mulch everywhere else. Nelson seems to love...
  2. N4Nancy

    Hatchling on Vacation!

    I am going home (three hour drive) for a few days and want to bring my new hatchling with me to meet the family. I cannot take his regular table with me because of an over-stuffed car. Would it be too stressful to give him a smaller temporary home for at most four days? Also if I were to do this...
  3. N4Nancy

    Is this normal?

    Im sure you hear this all the time but I still have not seen any pee or poop from my hermanns hatchling. He arrived several days ago and is eating normally but it worries me that there is no evidence. I soak him everyday and see nothing. Should I be worried yet? He arrived early last Friday so...
  4. N4Nancy

    New Hermanns Owner!

    Hello There. My name is Nancy and I live in south Florida. I have a brand new baby Hermanns, he(?) is barely an inch from head to tail. He lives in a tortoise box with a cold hide and a hide right under the heat lamp. He has a heat lamp and a UVB bulb. The UVB stays on as long as the sun is up...