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  1. MyTortoise

    All UK Tortoise Owners - please read!

    Hi! I have owned my Russian tortoise for about a year and a half, but through no fault of her (or his) own, I want to give her away. I am looking for someone in the UK who could look after my tortoise, who has had experience in the past with tortoises or has some. I was wondering if anyone...
  2. MyTortoise

    Feeding in Winter

    I live in England and have been feeding my tortoise weeds from the garden through summer and autumn but now its winter, the weeds have stopped growing. I also can't grow them on the window inside because I have a dog who eats soil :'-) Can anyone recommend ways to feed her right in the winter...
  3. MyTortoise

    Size/Age of a russian tortoise?

    When I got my tortoise, I was told by the shopkeeper that she was 1, but she was quite big for a 1year old. I went back quite recently (I leave her there over the holidays) and I saw some tiny tortoises and she told me they were 1. They were so much smaller than mine was!! Is it possible for...
  4. MyTortoise

    Dried Flowers

    Hello all; I was wondering what your opinion is on dried flowers... Are they good for tortoises? I'm thinking of ordering some from this website: If you do recommend dried flowers, which ones from the website would you recommend...
  5. MyTortoise

    Is this just normal?

    My tortoise always lies down with her legs in a weird position like this; Is this normal?
  6. MyTortoise

    How to cut torts nails?

    I have tried wearing down my torts nails by putting out more rocks and pebbles but her nails are still really long!? I was wondering how to cut them? Also, I know it sounds a silly because it doesn't affect us but does it hurt them?
  7. MyTortoise

    Benefits of soaking?

    I soak my tort everyday for 15mins, and I was wondering what benefits it has or if I'm soaking her too much?
  8. MyTortoise

    Weight of a Russian tortoise?

    My Russian tortoise is 1.5-2 years old and weighs 135g, about a month and a half ago she was 124g. Is this healthy or is she overweight? Also, what signs are there that a tortoise is overweight?
  9. MyTortoise

    Small bugs in enclosure?

    I've noticed some tiny black bugs flying in and out the dark, damp areas of my tortoises enclosure. I'm not sure how they got in, because I haven't noticed them on her food and its an indoor enclosure. I just wanted to know if its something to worry about, there's only been a few.
  10. MyTortoise

    Are these good for everyday feeding?

    Can I feed my tortoise these? They were on a website but I've read that you shouldn't feed some of these... Roses Nasturtium Henbit Hibiscus Mulberry leaves Prickly pear Cos lettuce Nettles Parsley Flowering maple Agave Hollyhock Purslane Petunia Plantain Celeriac Chicory Comfrey Fennel...
  11. MyTortoise

    Does natural sunshine help prevent pyramiding?

    I was wondering if my tortoise got more sun it would help prevent anymore pyramiding. She has a small amount of pyramiding, but will getting more sunshine help it go away as she grows? She is only about 1 and 1/2 years old.
  12. MyTortoise

    Why are the eyelids puffy?

    It sounds like a strange question but why are my tortoise's eyes puffy when they're closed? She closes her eyes but it looks like they're inflated! Why is this?
  13. MyTortoise

    Seed mix for Russian tortoise

    I'm thinking of buying a seed mix for my Russian tortoise, it contains these plants; 1. White clover 2. Crimson Clover 3. Trefoil 4. Plantain 5. Chicory 6. Milk thistle 7. Sainfoin 8. Tufted Vetch 9. Timothy Grass 10. Dandelion seeds Is this appropriate for my tortoise and if not, can you...
  14. MyTortoise

    Bubbly left eye

    My tortoise has bubbles in the corner of her left eye. When she blinks lots more come out too. I have been soaking her buts its been like this for a while. What should I do?
  15. MyTortoise

    Should I trim my tortoises nails?

    Do I need to cut her nails/claws (sorry I'm not sure what to call them :'-D ) and if so, how often?
  16. MyTortoise

    Tortoises left eye not opening after sleep?!

    When my tortoise has been asleep and has just woken up, her left eye is closed. It is blinking, but it looks like its stuck shut or there's something in it. What should I do?
  17. MyTortoise


    I have been trying to prevent some pyramiding on my Russian tortoise (1.5 years old) but its getting a but worse. I soak her 3 times a week and try and keep the enclosure quite humid. Can I find out where I could be going wrong and some tips for the future?
  18. MyTortoise

    Basic diet plan?

    I really need help with what to feed my Russian tortoise. Please can anyone give me examples on easy to get foods and how often I can give them to her. Also, can I have some tips like how much to feed her? Thanks!
  19. MyTortoise

    Very messy coco coir?

    I've just put down some coco coir for my tortoise but its sticking to her face and legs so its going in her food and her eyes!! What should I do?
  20. MyTortoise

    Coco coir is really damp?

    I made up some coconut coir but its still really damp. What should I do?