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  1. D

    Sulcata Don't Hibernate?

    In southern Arizona, our low temperature is within about 10 degrees F of Timbuktu (according to Wikipedia) pretty much year round. In general, compared to places such as the major population areas in California, our conditions are actually MUCH closer in comparison to their natural habitat. We...
  2. D

    sulcata/ deep sleep

    Our sulcata appeared to sleep for almost 4 months in a very deep burrow.
  3. D

    Sulcata Don't Hibernate?

    I've been reading forum after forum and web page after web page about sulcata's. I think the common belief that these torts NEVER hibernate could be incorrect. Our 4 year old sulcata male started digging a burrow in October when the heat began to break. At 6 ft deep it takes an abrupt turn...