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  1. Suru

    New star owner

    My tortoise bath tub :):<3:
  2. Suru

    New star owner

    Hi, Am from India and having 1 start tortoise. Regarding the diet i give him Spinach Plant , Coriander ,Cucumber, Tomoto. But he dont eat Spinach Plant much but u can try for Hibiscus plant. As he dont drink much water or u can say no water so i soak him in warm water daily (in shallow dish...
  3. Suru

    Calling on indian star owners residing in INDIA

    The Tail Your tortoise's tail is actually one of the most telling signs of the animal's gender. In most species of tortoise, females will have significantly smaller tails than male tortoises do. If your tortoise has a long tail, he is most likely a boy. If your tortoise has a short, or even...
  4. Suru

    Calling on indian star owners residing in INDIA

    I think mine tort too is well trained himself :tort::p . I have build a small home for him but he never make his home dirty. He poos whenever we take him out of the tub and keep him on his seperate cloth and only on that he does his poo and unrinates. after that he moves in my apartment freely...
  5. Suru

    Calling on indian star owners residing in INDIA

    As of now I give him Palak, Coriander (Kothimbir), Cucumber (Kakdi), Tomoto. But he dont eat Palak much and i will try out some more stuffs later. As he dont drink much water so i soak him in warm water daily (in shallow dish. water level below his face). After soaking i keep him in such a place...
  6. Suru

    Calling on indian star owners residing in INDIA

    @Shanu, Yes, actually i meant by opening this thread. Here is my tort's pics. He is very active and always runs here and there and after some time lookes for a corner and sleeps.
  7. Suru

    Calling on indian star owners residing in INDIA

    Hi Shanu, Am from pune and have booked 1 star tort.. I will bring it home on Monday. I will be uploading the pic later that. I have gone through all the post and gained good knowledge for my start..... I would definetly come accross lots of new things when i will be handling my tort. So i will...