New star owner


New Member
May 29, 2014
Hello all, I am a noob in tort keeping, thus will need a few advice from the professionals here. I have been keeping a lone star tort for around 2-3months and he is still pretty small, around 3inch. I am very puzzled on providing a water dish for the tort and humidity for star tortoise as I remember reading somewhere that star tort doesn't need much water, letting them soak in water for once or twice a week. But in this forum, I have read a totally opposite views.

As in my country, the climate is sunny all year round, temperature is around 30 degree Celsius(86 F) during day time, and 27 degree Celsius(80 F) at night, humidity is around 80-90% daily. So do I need to make the enclosure more humid?

And with regards to the diet, I have been provide him staple diet of green beans mixed with kikuyu( Pennisetum clandestinum), occasionally with water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica), Chinese parsley (Coriandrum sativum) or whatever I can find in my grocery store. Is the above ok?

Lastly what is the dosage for calcium supplement? I have gotten a bottle that has D3.

Looking forward for your inputs

Thank you

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Hello, and welcome to the Forum! I don't know anything about star tortoises, but I've read here on the Forum, that their care is similar to the care for leopard tortoises. So you can read the "Important Threads" at the top of the leopard tortoise section and gain some insight in caring for your tortoise.

The reason we say to keep tortoises moist is because in the wild they are usually found underground where it is a little more humid. The humidity helps them to grow properly. So you can just add a bit of water to the substrate in your tortoise's enclosure. This would help.

I'm sorry, but I'm unfamiliar with those types of greens, so I can't say yes or no about them.

As to the calcium supplement - just take a little pinch between your thumb and index finger and sprinkle it over the food about three times a week.


New Member
May 29, 2014
Thank you Yvonne on your advice.
Waiting for other to comment on the diet part.


New Member
Aug 14, 2014
Hello all, I am a noob in tort keeping, thus will need a few advice from the professionals here. I have been keeping a lone star tort for around 2-3months and he is still pretty small, around 3inch. I am very puzzled on providing a water dish for the tort and humidity for star tortoise as I remember reading somewhere that star tort doesn't need much water, letting them soak in water for once or twice a week. But in this forum, I have read a totally opposite views.

As in my country, the climate is sunny all year round, temperature is around 30 degree Celsius(86 F) during day time, and 27 degree Celsius(80 F) at night, humidity is around 80-90% daily. So do I need to make the enclosure more humid?

And with regards to the diet, I have been provide him staple diet of green beans mixed with kikuyu( Pennisetum clandestinum), occasionally with water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica), Chinese parsley (Coriandrum sativum) or whatever I can find in my grocery store. Is the above ok?

Lastly what is the dosage for calcium supplement? I have gotten a bottle that has D3.

Looking forward for your inputs

Thank you
Am from India and having 1 start tortoise. Regarding the diet i give him Spinach Plant , Coriander ,Cucumber, Tomoto. But he dont eat Spinach Plant much but u can try for Hibiscus plant. As he dont drink much water or u can say no water so i soak him in warm water daily (in shallow dish. water level below his face). After soaking for 5 mins i keep him in such a place where he will be able to have sun light. Sunlight and water bath is very necessary for him as he is too small and need calcium. After 2 years u can reduce the frequency of water bath.
And regarding the temprature i think its sufficient but if goes below 25 degree celsius then use UV lights.


New Member
Aug 14, 2014
My tortoise bath tub :):<3:


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