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  1. SulcataNewbie2014

    Upside down sulcata

    Can Sulcatas get back up in case they manage get themselves upside down? Is this harmful? Should I help them back up immediately or let them figure it out? What should I do?
  2. SulcataNewbie2014

    Dried Moss Substrate

    Can I use dried moss as substrate for my baby sulcatas?
  3. SulcataNewbie2014

    Help! Is it safe for my sulcata to eat barrel cactus?

    I'm a new owner of a pair of baby sulcata tortoises. I bought some barrel cactus to decorate their enclosure. As soon as I put the cactus in the pen, my two babies came over and began eating them. After some reading, I found out that the barrel cactus can be toxic. I immediately took the cactus...