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  1. Snack time

    Snack time

    These dandelions don't stand a chance! Lol
  2. mscrys88

    New to this

    Would I be able to buy that at petsmart or do I need to order it online?
  3. mscrys88

    New to this

    Yes thank you! Just did it all now lol. Off with the heating pad and covered up the top. I give him one bath every day but I will probably switch to twice a day until he starts looking less dry. Will buy a different bulb tomorrow. I'm a newbie so all this advice is very helpful.
  4. mscrys88

    New to this

    Ahhh, sorry Tom, I must have skipped over the first link that you sent me. Once I read that I got a better understanding of things. Thanks for responding and sending me all the helpful info. I got the tortoise from a friend of mine who purchased him from a pet store and said he's been kept dry...
  5. mscrys88

    New to this

    Looking for advice from anyone who can help. 1. Is it normal for baby sulcata to sleep all day? He gets up to eat a few times and walk around but I can't help but feel like he's bored. I will be putting plants in soon and was looking for suggestions to liven up his home. What plants are best...
  6. mscrys88

    Really dry Russian Tortoise

    Let us know how it goes!!! Hope your baby is okay ☺️
  7. mscrys88

    Really dry Russian Tortoise

    Aww poor baby sounds like she's sick. Hope the visit to the doc can help her. Did you talk to the previous owners and see if she had any issues similar to these before?
  8. mscrys88

    Tortoise Forum T-Shirt

    I would to buy a couple to help support the forum! Keep us posted
  9. mscrys88

    New to this

    Everyone meet Sheldon
  10. mscrys88

    New to this

    I would love some advice on the enclosure. The weather is geting chilly here right now and I just started on his emclosure but he stays inside mostly. I want to know the best stuff for him to keep him comfortable and happy.
  11. mscrys88

    New to this

    When I was younger I had 3 red ear sliders and I thought they were a great pet. Now that I'm older and married with kids I wanted a good sturdy pet that was active and that could be put away in his own terranium so my young children wouldn't harass it so much. I've always loved turtles and...
  12. mscrys88

    Sheldon the Sulcat

    Sheldon the Sulcat
  13. mscrys88

    New to this

    Good afternoon everyone! Just joined the forum this morning to hopefully get some help and advice with our new family pet Sheldon the sulcata. We live in eastern North Carolina and so far he is doing very well. I look forward to hearing from and meeting all of you. Have a great day!