New to this


New Member
Oct 6, 2014
Good afternoon everyone! Just joined the forum this morning to hopefully get some help and advice with our new family pet Sheldon the sulcata. We live in eastern North Carolina and so far he is doing very well. I look forward to hearing from and meeting all of you. Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
Hello , nice to meet you. You are sure to get plenty of good advice here. Good Luck!:):tort:


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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So glad you not only found us and joined, but that you have introduced yourself to us. :) I really enjoy knowing where folks are coming from and what kind of tortoise they have, even if it is the only post they ever feel comfortable doing... of course I hope you find "our TFO family" fits you and you stay and become active here, too along with reading our threads.

So how did you happen to add a tortoise to your family?


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Jul 12, 2013
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Hello and welcome! :)

THBs: Darwin & Merlin
Aussies: Dax, Vegas, & Cricket


New Member
Oct 6, 2014
When I was younger I had 3 red ear sliders and I thought they were a great pet. Now that I'm older and married with kids I wanted a good sturdy pet that was active and that could be put away in his own terranium so my young children wouldn't harass it so much. I've always loved turtles and tortoises so my husband and I decided on a long living tortoise that could stay with our family for a long time. He's only been with us for a short time but he's already treated like another one of our kids lol.

Yvonne G

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Hi, and welcome to the Forum!

Grandpa Turtle 144

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Apr 3, 2013
Hello and welcome to the TFO from AZ. Where are the Picts of your tort and its enclosure ? We like Picts . Have a great tort day !

Sent from my iPhone using TortForum


New Member
Oct 6, 2014
image.jpg I would love some advice on the enclosure. The weather is geting chilly here right now and I just started on his emclosure but he stays inside mostly. I want to know the best stuff for him to keep him comfortable and happy.

Grandpa Turtle 144

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Apr 3, 2013
You are a lovely lady with a tort to match . But if your lights are on top of screan it is cutting your UV Rays that your tort needs . And you need some plants in the enclosure . Have a great tort day !

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Dec 7, 2013
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Hello and Welcome. Good to have you here. Both of you looks really nice.



New Member
Oct 6, 2014
Looking for advice from anyone who can help.
1. Is it normal for baby sulcata to sleep all day? He gets up to eat a few times and walk around but I can't help but feel like he's bored. I will be putting plants in soon and was looking for suggestions to liven up his home. What plants are best for his home?

2. Looking for help for the best way to set up his home so he is as comfortable as can be. I have the under tank heating pad, the heat light, the uv light, a hut for him, water bowl, and a fresh food bowl and dry food bowl. Can someone help me understand the best placement for every thing? I'm a bit confused when it comes to the hot spot, the cool spot, the basking spot, and where should his hut and food/water dishes go?

Sorry to be so needy I just want my little guy to be comfortable and well taken care of and I would take advice from you guys over any pet store any day. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much already for your warm welcome and advice this far!


The Dog Trainer
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1. Yes. But lethargy can also be a bad sign. What are your four temps? Warm side, cool side, basking area and night? What was the source of this tortoise and was it started with the "wet" routine, or the old dry routine?
2. Rather than type this all out again, it is all in the care sheet that was linked for you. I'm not sure what is not clear to you. One side should have the heating equipment and be the warm side. The other side would be the cool side. Every enclosure is different, and where you place everything will depend on what equipment you have decided to use.

I would not use an under tank heating pad.

No need for two food bowls.

I'd keep the hut on the warm side, but you should be using a humid hide in addition the the half log.


New Member
Oct 6, 2014
Ahhh, sorry Tom, I must have skipped over the first link that you sent me. Once I read that I got a better understanding of things. Thanks for responding and sending me all the helpful info. I got the tortoise from a friend of mine who purchased him from a pet store and said he's been kept dry. He gave him baths daily but that's all the moisture he got besides his water bowl.

I need to get different lights and a closed top for his enclosure to help with the temps and humidity.

But I don't need a heating pad if the light keeps him hot enough during the day? I'm only worried at night if the temps get too low for him. It never goes below 77 but I want to safe rather than sorry.


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Hello and Welcome:). Ditch the under tank heater. Do. It use any coil type bulbs, they have been known to cause eye problems. Cut a hole in the screen, so the uvb can have a clear shot. Also, cover the screen to keep humidity up.
Read the threads Tom post for you. They will help you a lot and more importantly help your sully that looks like s/he has had a dry start.