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  1. Kaitlynr1

    Hibernating Paints outside

    one thought I had was I could use a stock tank and start filling it with grass clippings/leaves ect, now to create a muck layer and put them in the tank for the winter with a surface heater to keep from freezing, but when would I put the turtles in and do they need to be able to get out of the...
  2. Kaitlynr1

    Hibernating Paints outside

    By a deicer I would use an electric de-icer that is placed in the water, the same kind we use in our water tanks for the cows
  3. Kaitlynr1

    Hibernating Paints outside

    What type of plants can be grown in the pond that won't make it too dirty?
  4. Kaitlynr1

    Hibernating Paints outside

    Last year I only had two adult turtles and two babies, I had them in a 75 gallon tank inside, but that tank has a ton of fish in it so I really don't have enough room in it for the turtles this year.
  5. Kaitlynr1

    Hibernating Paints outside

    If I put a few more inches of mud in my pond and put a stock heater in it so it doesn't freeze, will the turtles be able to hibernate safely? Do they need to be able to get out of the pond or will they stay under the water? (these are paint turtles)
  6. Kaitlynr1

    HI I'm new!!

    They like the cats as well, my babies would climb onto the cats while they were asleep and play with their fur.
  7. Kaitlynr1

    HI I'm new!!

    For any one who may have noticed the turtle in the back 'escaping,' he's too old to climb, he likes to sit there and watch the cows when they are in the pasture! Also, the pond is in the shape of a turtle, if you hadn't caught that, I love it!
  8. Kaitlynr1

    Hibernating Paints outside

    How deep would it need to be for that? Does it need to be heated so it doesn't freeze?
  9. Kaitlynr1

    Hibernating Paints outside

    I have 7 adult turtles outside in a large habitat that I do not have room to bring inside this winter. I live in Illinois so I have pretty harsh winters. I have been told in the past to create a compost pile area for them to burrow into. I've started so far only with dry clipped grass that I've...
  10. Kaitlynr1

    HI I'm new!!

    I live Illinois in the US. I have a large outdoor enclosure that is a 20ish x 10ish foot pen with a pond that is about 8 ft x 4 ft. The water is about three foot deep. I currently have seven adult western painted turtles. Two females, there names are Little Mama, and Mama-Saurous, and five...