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  1. S

    Hibernation and current habitat

    I'm going to bring him inside, I'm designing his habitat, it will roughly be 50" by 18." With a plexiglass front blacked out to where he can't see out. And probably have a lid to keep temperature and humidity stable. Would like suggestions on how deep I should have his substrate, what kind of...
  2. S

    Hibernation and current habitat

    I don't want to hibernate him but I was under the impression that even if you gave the proper conditions the turtle could hibernate on It's own accord.
  3. S

    Hibernation and current habitat

    I think I will make a indoor habitat but if he doesn't eat does that mean I have to hibernate him? It'll be 50" by 18" is that good?
  4. S

    Hibernation and current habitat

    Missouri. It gets below 32 for a good part of winter. I understand I'll need to bring him in but my question is how
  5. S

    Hibernation and current habitat

    As we're going into Fall and as the weather getting colder my turtle is acting a bit different. My current setup isn't as optimal as I'd like but it's what I'm using, with how the weather is I don't know how I should modify my current setup and when/if/how I should hibernate him. I can make an...
  6. S

    Few questions.

    (he just took a bath and I didn't changed his water yet) He was a bit fussy, don't know if it was how I was holding him or what. I forgot to take a picture of his bad eye, I will get one up tomorrow. I talked to the wildlife agent and he said it's harmless. Got a actual syringe to inject the...
  7. S

    Few questions.

    Don't want to topic spam so here's some comments and questions. Move me if necessary. Took my little guy to the vet today. He has a abscess on/in(?) his right ear, the vet gave me "SMZ TMP." I need to give 0.2cc orally once daily for two days then once every other day for 5 more doses. I tried...
  8. S

    Handicapped Box Turtle

    About a week ago I found a box turtle on my driveway, went to take a look at him and noticed something wrong, his head was following me, stead of closing up and watching me inside his shell. Examined him, his shell is heavily damaged, just the shroud above his head. And his left eye is blind...