Few questions.


New Member
Jun 10, 2016
Don't want to topic spam so here's some comments and questions. Move me if necessary.
Took my little guy to the vet today.

He has a abscess on/in(?) his right ear, the vet gave me "SMZ TMP." I need to give 0.2cc orally once daily for two days then once every other day for 5 more doses.

I tried giving him his antibiotic in 3 blue berry's. He ate only one. I'm getting a better syringe to inject into worms so he'll be more apt to eating it. Any other tips to get him to take his medicine?

For his blind left eye, he gave me "Remend." Two drops for the fist day and then one drop once a day, until the cloudiness subsides.

He also has long nails and a somewhat long beak. What is the best method to trim and maintain his nails and beak?

Last but not least; The vet recommended to contact the MDC (Missouri Department of Conservation) to get permission to keep a injured wild animal, for permanent care.
Do you guys think the steps I've taken to take care of him will be enough to get permission to keep him?

Eric Phillips

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 19, 2014
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Don't want to topic spam so here's some comments and questions. Move me if necessary.
Took my little guy to the vet today.

He has a abscess on/in(?) his right ear, the vet gave me "SMZ TMP." I need to give 0.2cc orally once daily for two days then once every other day for 5 more doses.

I tried giving him his antibiotic in 3 blue berry's. He ate only one. I'm getting a better syringe to inject into worms so he'll be more apt to eating it. Any other tips to get him to take his medicine?

For his blind left eye, he gave me "Remend." Two drops for the fist day and then one drop once a day, until the cloudiness subsides.

He also has long nails and a somewhat long beak. What is the best method to trim and maintain his nails and beak?

Last but not least; The vet recommended to contact the MDC (Missouri Department of Conservation) to get permission to keep a injured wild animal, for permanent care.
Do you guys think the steps I've taken to take care of him will be enough to get permission to keep him?

Hello Scout and welcome! I'll first start off by stating there is a thread on my experience with dealing with an ear infection and you can find it under the Box Turtle section. Secondly, the vet should of took the time to trim the nails and beak if they were too long. So,maybe you could post a picture for us to see the box turtle to help understand its current condition. The picture will also help with the species of the Box Turtle to help see if it is a native box turtle in Missouri. As far as will the state of Missouri allow you to keep the box turtle, it strictly depends on the state laws. If it was Ohio, the answer would be NO, you or a DNR agent would be required to take the turtle to a state wildlife rehab(where most likely the turtle would stay for its entirety). You can not take ownership of any wild native Box Turtles in Ohio. If you can post a pic, I am sure other members will gladly lend a helping hand. Hope the little guy gets to feeling better soon.


New Member
Jun 10, 2016


(he just took a bath and I didn't changed his water yet)
He was a bit fussy, don't know if it was how I was holding him or what.

I forgot to take a picture of his bad eye, I will get one up tomorrow.
I talked to the wildlife agent and he said it's harmless.
Got a actual syringe to inject the antibiotics into worms. Are bait worms from walmart okay to feed him? been feeding him them. Just started farming them but it'll be a few weeks till they're sustainable.
Need anything just ask and thanks for the warm welcome.

AJK Aquaria

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2016
I think the beak and nails look fine.
Is there a concavity to the plastron(bottom of the shell) towards the tail? It may be very slight. From the looks of the tail and where the vent is, it looks more female. It can be difficult to determine(at least for me).

From the link that Yvonne provided, it looks like you're in the clear on keeping the turtle. The way it's worded indicates so at least. I clicked on my state and learned a few things. Any efforts I've made to contact my FWS falls on deaf ears...

Good luck with the turtle and I think it's great you're making the effort to get it back on track. Great looking boxie.

Gillian M

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2014
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Welcome to the forum!:tort:

Sincerely hope to hear your sweet little tort recovers soon.;)

Eric Phillips

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
I think the beak and nails look fine.
Is there a concavity to the plastron(bottom of the shell) towards the tail? It may be very slight. From the looks of the tail and where the vent is, it looks more female. It can be difficult to determine(at least for me).

From the link that Yvonne provided, it looks like you're in the clear on keeping the turtle. The way it's worded indicates so at least. I clicked on my state and learned a few things. Any efforts I've made to contact my FWS falls on deaf ears...

Good luck with the turtle and I think it's great you're making the effort to get it back on track. Great looking boxie.

I agree with everything right here! Nails look fine, your state laws looks like your good to go, and its a handsome box turtle. With the vibrant coloration on the head, curling of the nails on the hind legs, and from the 2nd image the indentation of the plastron, I still think its a boy. Hope the antibiotics get ahold of the infection! Best of Luck!