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  1. S

    First enclosure help

    Well, I would like a red-footed, but I have no idea if one will be available, but I know I can get a Russian. Its about 72F in the apartment most of the time. This is a first enclosure for a humidity needing juvenile, a bigger enclosure is planned for when it can go outside full time, and when I...
  2. S

    First enclosure help

    Well, heading to a reptile show in a couple weeks to get my first tortoise, and I have some questions about the enclosure. I'm likely getting a hatchling/juvenile Mediterranean species or redfoot tortoise, and am working on an indoor enclosure for it. I've read the care guides for the species...
  3. S

    Decorative rocks?

    Ok, thanks for the advice. Will look for some other decor.
  4. S

    Decorative rocks?

    Going to be getting my first tortoise next month and saw something like these at the pet store: Thought a couple would look nice in the enclosure, but is there any danger it would try and swallow them? Is there a minimum size of rock to...
  5. S

    Hi from KY!

    Hello from Ky. Just moved here last month to take a new job as a zookeeper at a small private zoo. Now that I'm settlee in my appartment I'm looking to get a pet. Leaning towards a tortoise as they and turtles are the only reptiles allowed, but I can't have a large water filled aquarium of over...