Search results

  1. T

    Grigus line Sri Lank

    Here's another one from the Grigus line.
  2. T

    Sunning the hatchlings

    Sunning and soaking the juevis:)
  3. T

    Sunning the hatchlings

    Sunning and soaking the hatchlings:)
  4. T

    Sunning the hatchlings

    Sunning and soaking the hatchling phareyi:)
  5. T

    Sunning the hatchlings

    Sunning and soaking the hatchlings:)
  6. T

    Sri Lank stars

    Nothing like old Grigus line Sri Lanks:)
  7. T

    some recent additions

    so beautiful, i had to pick up eight from three different females:)