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  1. T

    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Okay thank you very much. I'm going to try to let him graze in my back yard tomorrow. I'll make sure to supervise him. But for now is there something I should do about the current substrate blocking his face? Or should I just let him naturally wipe it off?
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    One last question: My sulcata wont stop attempting to climb the walls. I heard that its because they don't see the glass. So I tried to cover it up so you cannot see through it but he still thinks he's got feet like a gecko. Should I do something about this? Also he keeps getting dirt on his...
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Alright I'll try to get that one when my next paycheck comes in. Apart from that I will have the thermometer coming in ASAP.
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Thank you for bringing up this. It does sound very concerning. How far away should my bulb be from my tortoise? And how far away should my basking lamp be away from my tortoise?
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Oh alright. Then should I just lose the top of the lid and put down a tinfoil flap around the lights so my tortoise can suck up those UVBs?
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Thank you very much :) my girlfriend built it herself so she's happy to hear it. And thank you for the tip about the thermostat I will definitely pick up one now. I'm not a fan of any forms of cooked tortoise either.
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Okay is there a UV light that you personally recommend? and the distance from the tortoise is about 7-9 inches. And yes it is a HO type bulb. Does this have a negative effect on his eyes? And thank you for the recommendation about the orchid bark. I will definitely pick some up at my local...
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    And does this tin foil set up work best to keep the heat and humidity in? I just put it over my lamps
  9. T

    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Okay so at night should I just try my best to keep the tank around 80-90 degrees farenheit with the CHE? And alright I'll put that in the cart right away. Thank you a bunch for the recommendation!
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    I am running a 60 watt CHE plugged into the wall. If it is more effective to have a thermostat I can pick one up as soon as possible though.
  11. T

    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Thank you guys so much! You are all life savers. My Sulcata has his eyes wide open now and is walking with a purpose up to his basking spot. I'll now worry about keeping his temps up with the CHE tonight and hopefully the temps stay in the nice 90's. Will putting a humidifier in my room be...
  12. T

    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Okay tonight I will try to put foil over the opening except for where I am putting my CHE to keep the temperatures up. And to Tom: There is no sand in the substrate but there is loose soil which I believe got into his eye last night. The only reason I am using it is because my reptile store...
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Here is my full enclosure:
  14. T

    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    My enclosure has a wired mesh lid which I open and close whenever I change something in the enclosure. I sprayed down the enclosure again and brought up the humidity to 100% in his humid hide (where he's been hiding). The overall humidity of the tank now is above 60% but I'm worried since the...
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Yes of course, I apologize if it looks very bare at the moment since I just picked up all the supplies yesterday but I'll include pictures. My basking temperature is 107 degrees farenheit, my cool side is 82 degrees farenheit, and his hide temperature is 84 degrees. Last night his temperature...
  16. T

    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    I noticed he has been digging a lot today. I wonder if he's been trying to dig for more humid/wet dirt. I use an all natural reptile substrate (Its the Lugarti brand) which is mostly soil.
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    His humidity ranges from 30% in his hot side to 35% on his cool side. In his hide its about 80% but he has not used it. I make sure to spray down his enclosure two to three times a day and I've given him a warm bath today for 20 minutes.
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    Sulcata Tortoise Urgent Health Conern

    Hi guys, I'm a new Sulcata tortoise owner and I just picked up my first baby tortoise yesterday at a reptile show (from my local reputable reptile store). Yesterday he was extremely active (pacing up and down my tank, and allowed me to pet its head) but starting today he's been hiding all day...
  19. T

    Currently really scared about the health of my tortoise :(...

    Currently really scared about the health of my tortoise :(...