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  1. T

    Shell improvement?

    In the last 3 years he yet to do that...But that is not what I am asking about. Have you used any type of lotion, oil made for tortoise shells before?
  2. T

    Shell improvement?

    I live in Minnesota, so in the winter he's inside, he does roam the house throughout the day when I'm home. In the summer he's outside (weather permitted). He has a closed, netted enclosure with open bottom to dig in the dirt & eat the grass). He is very spoiled w the the right veggies & fruits...
  3. T

    Shell improvement?

  4. T

    Shell improvement?

    My Russian tortoise is 6 yrs old, healthy, very active, smart & spoiled. His shell has peeled so I'm wondering if there is a tortoise shell lotion or saave (SP?) out there I can but from amazon or a particular site? Thanks in advance!