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  1. Aman82


    I know Cheryl and I honestly appreciate any advice from people with more experiences than me. Rex is my little pal so I wouldn’t want to do anything that might effect his health.
  2. Aman82


    Hi Cheryl, Thanks for getting back to me. Yes I know that him walking around the floor isnt always recommended. It was straight after I’d dried him off from his bath and it was on the living room rug with on there with him for no more than ten minutes. Maybe this is the problem so I won’t be...
  3. Aman82


    Hi Guys. I rescued Rex around a year ago from someone who basically kept him in a box with a heat bulb. I had no idea how to keep tortoises but researched it thoroughly and he now has everything he needs temp,diet and habitat wise. I built him a great tortoise table and I love him to bits. He...