
  1. A

    Russian Tortoise was attacked. Will she heal on her own?

    Hello. Last night, my tortoise went missing and I assumed she just climbed out of her enclosure and went wandering. This morning when I found her, her plastron was broken and she has some marks on her shell. Will this heal on her own or do I need to take her to an exotic vet? I am keeping her...
  2. TacoHermanooo

    Lamp broken.. burying himself..

    I have my heat lamp on a timer and have only just noticed the heat lamp has gone. I noticed Taco has buried himself this evening is this just to stay warm? I won’t be able to go and get a new lamp until tomorrow will he be okay until then?! Any help, advice is appreciated ? I think I’m just over...
  3. Hsenfow

    Broken/burnt Bulb

    I've just gone to change the basking bulb in my tortoise's enclosure, and have discovered that the bulb is completely broken and seems to have burnt a little. I've attached pictures of both the state of the bulb + fitting, and of the packaging of the bulb, fitting and thermostat. As you can...