
  1. M


    I own a baby leopard tortoise and I have a few questions. I want her to be healthy and happy. I’ve had her since 23rd Feb 2024. She currently only has 2 hides however I’m looking to add some more bendy wood in to make little walls around to encourage her to explore and forage as I’ve read that...
  2. M

    Yellow mark

    Heyyy I’m new to this tortoise forum page but figured it would be good to join since I’ve recently purchased a baby female leopard tortoise. I was giving her a bath this morning before her dinner time when I noticed this yellow marking, I have searched google but I’m being lead to all different...
  3. L

    Where to get Plants

    I'm working on creating a larger enclosure for my baby leopard tortoise Zarha and was wondering where I can get the plants for her new enclosure, that is preferably not in seed form, for example spider plants and air plants.
  4. L


    At the current moment till Christmas my baby leopard is in a 10 gal old fish tank I know that alone isn't good for her to be in so as soon as Christmas comes she'll be getting an upgrade however right now Zarha's humidy keeps dropping pretty quickly and we have just been constantly spraying the...