puffy eyes

  1. G

    Indian star tortoise is vomiting and dull.

    My Indian star tortoise is vomiting and seems dull since 2 days. Not moving much (mostly sleeping) or eating anything. His eyes also seems bit puffy. Vomitted almost 2-3 times. Day before this he passed lot of watery faeces. It'll take us 2 more days to visit vet since we live in remote area...
  2. CoreCollapse

    Could someone give me sn idea of why his eye is poofy?

    Hey, all. First post here, but long time lurker (a year or two) for all that sweet, sweet infoknowledge in preparation. Well, the day finally came. On Feb 4th, my partner and I headed to a town nearby to meet up with a well known, reputable breeder here in my area of the UK, to purchase two...
  3. C

    Gopherus agassizii sporadic puffy eyes

    Hello, all! Thank you everyone for helping my baby Skrink with all your advice. I am now having an issue that has me stumped. Skrinks eyes are puffy! But, they are only puffy when they are closed and he is a little bit pulled into his shell. When he is awake, his eyes are flat and normal...
  4. S

    Russian Tortoise Scratching Eyes, Pink and Puffy

    Today I was soaking my Russian when I noticed he had been rubbing his eyes and they were a bit pink and puffy around the edges. I've been away for college and my parents have been taking care of him but he seems to be doing fine otherwise. His enclosure is 2.5ft wide and 5ft long and typically...