renal failure

  1. tamzsturg

    medications made my tortoise ill?

    Hi everyone, so my tortoise’s appetite decreased over the last few weeks to the point where now, he doesn’t want to eat at all. We persevere, and usually manage to get him to eat a couple of his wet pellets, a small bit of broccoli, or a tiny bit of lettuce/kale, and then he gives up and...
  2. tamzsturg

    Kidney failure/ Renal problems

    Hi there, I recently made my first post discussing my little Horsefield Tarquin’s situation. He had stopped eating (apart from a mouthful a day seemingly just to please us) and just wanted to sleep and hide in a dark corner completely avoiding his bulbs. His bloodwork came back from the vets and...
  3. M

    Kidney Failure

    Hello, I am new here but wanted to know if anyone has had a similar experience. My tortoise has been sick for over 2 weeks. This last week I took her to the vet to get blood work and xrays to see what could be wrong. Her blood tests came back and she seems to be having kidney failure. She’s...
  4. Stoneman

    Claimed dandelion health benefits, fact or fiction?

    I have a couple of Indian star tortoises I acquired that I am concerned have bad kidneys. I read in the book titled Star Tortoises that dandelion have good benefits to help the kidneys in some way or another. Has this theory been tested at all? When I was reading this the chapter also...
  5. Beedee

    Possible Renal Failure?

    Hi everyone, This is going to be a long story, but basically I need help trying to workout what is wrong with my tortoise. I have been to the vets but everything they have suggested doesn't seem to be making any difference. BACKGROUND INFO: I have a 3 year old Hermanns tortoise, she lives...