water turtles

  1. Wayfarin

    Questions regarding the medium Waterland tub as an outdoor slider pond and nesting area

    Hello again folks! So I was thinking about providing our female RES with a pond where she can come out on land to nest. She has no mate and has never mated (to my knowledge) but would probably appreciate a nesting area nonetheless, since she has laid eggs in the past in the water (making a huge...
  2. Wayfarin

    Looking for information on the size and suitability of 300-gallon Rubbermaid stock tanks

    Hello, folks! As I've been discussing on this forum for a long time, our red-eared slider, Teresa, has grown out of her indoor tank, and I'm looking into setting up an outdoor pond for her to at least spend the summer (probably overwintering her indoors when the temps start to drop). While I...
  3. Wayfarin

    Turtles and frogs. Dangers and diseases?

    Hello, folks! As I've mentioned on other posts, we have a female red-eared slider (or "pond" slider) named Teresa. We've had her for over a decade. As is often the case with red-eared sliders, she has grown too big and too challenging to keep inside in an average-sized aquarium tank. I've been...
  4. Wayfarin

    Is my red-eared slider an example of neoteny or natural size?

    Hello folks! I've already mentioned our red-eared slider, Teresa, on many of my older posts before. Most of these posts were regarding the husbandry of the species in general. However, this time, I'm interested in posting a thread on the subject of Teresa herself. I've noticed that many...
  5. Wayfarin

    Red-eared slider pond in northern New Hampshire?

    Hello again! As I've been discussing on this forum, we have a red-eared slider, Teresa, who has been a "house turtle" for years. Her husbandry conditions aren't the best, and keeping her conditions clean constantly is difficult due to this (her housing is too small). I've been discussing...
  6. Wayfarin

    Hello, folks! I'm "Wayfarin" and this is Teresa

    Hello, folks! I'm "Wayfarin" and this is our red-eared slider, Teresa. She's our 12/13-year old red-eared slider female whom we've had for a very long time. She's been living most of her life indoors in a 30-gallon tank, but we're finally in the process of upgrading her living conditions to...
  7. NewtThePinkbelly

    Substrate Help!

    Hey there! My boyfriend and I recently got some awesome news! Someone in the neighborhood is selling a 125 gallon tank and stand for 300 dollars! What a steal! Now we just have to worry about substrates. We have been using riverbed sand for our 40 gallon tank, but now that we are getting a new...
  8. NewtThePinkbelly

    Where to buy large tanks?

    Newt is still a little baby, but depending on wether he's male or female (too small for us to tell) we might need a pretty big tank in the long run. From the information we have found online, pink belly sidenecks can grow up to 11inches, which means a 110 gallon tank or more. Where could we find...
  9. caseyerin

    Having some trouble with my african sideneck

    Hi! I have an African Sideneck Turtle and have had him for about 3 years now. When I first got him, I had him in a 20 gallon tank and now he is currently in a 60 gallon tank and has been for about a year. I just bought him a new filter, because the old one was a small filter and a rock...
  10. M

    Sliders living together

    Hi. I have 2 baby slider turtles, both boys, both about the size of a quarter. One is a Red Ear Slider, I call him Sheldon. The other is a Cumberland Slider, I call him Leonard. They’re in a 20 gallon tank for now, but I know as they grow I’m going to have to upgrade a good bit. They have...
  11. Scottfoo

    Big Thank you to Our friends at TetraFauna !

    We wanted to give a big thank you to the folks at Tetra for donating all these great items and 20 Cases of food. We are so appreciative and thank you so much! We will def be passing on some of the food to other turtle rescues and turtle lovers!
  12. Techyrn808

    Does Water turtle always have to be in water to live?

    Hi all! I was wondering about my red eared slider who currently lives in an above ground pond. Is it recommended to let your water turtle out on land to cruise about? If so, for how long and should I keep turtle moist by misting it every so often?
  13. mississippi_slider

    Lump on mississippi map terrapin's leg

    Hi all, new to the forum! Just after a little bit of advice - after returning my two boys (a mississippi map and a yellow belly slider) to their brand new tank today (after smashing their old one by dropping their basking rockery platform yesterday) I noticed that on the back leg of my map, a...