An off-duty cop sits outside a bar waiting to bust tortoises for DWI ….


Active Member
Dec 7, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Robbinsville NJ
As the cop sees all the tortoises leaving the bar at closing time, she sees one Yellow-Footed Tortoise that seems particularly drunk.

The cop watches as the Yellow-Foot stumbles off the curb, trips over his own feet, and tries his car keys in 3 different cars before ultimately finding his own vehicle.

Once he gets in, the tortoise spends another few minutes fumbling around with his keys before finally getting the car started.

At this point, the Yellow-Foot is the only one left in the parking lot and as he proceeds to pull out of the lot, the cop follows after him.

She immediately puts on her lights and sirens and asks the tortoise to step out of the vehicle. Based on her own observations, the cop asks the tortoise to submit to a breathalyzer right away.

The tortoise complies and looks on at the incredulous cop after the result show 0.0% blood alcohol content. The cop then searches inside the tortoise’s shell and finds neither marihuana nor drugs on him.

Astounded, the cop demands to know how that’s possible after what she has just observed.

“Oh that,” the tortoise says. “Tonight’s my night to be the Designated Decoy.”
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