App Issues

Angel Carrion

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Douglassville, PA
I appear to be having problems with the mobile app and wanted to know if this is localized to me (my phone sometimes acts up) or if this is a problem across the board.

I am currently attempting to post a new thread through the app and had tried to add a picture to it, but it has been "uploading" this picture for the last hour and a half with no change. I tried to bypass this by tapping the "create" button to just post the new thread and add the pictures in the comments, but while it registers me tapping the "create" button (the button does that thing where it 'depresses', showing that it was selected), nothing has changed and the thread hasn't posted so the spinning loading icon is still spinning in the middle of my phone's screen and it is still not uploading the picture, nor posting the new thread. I hopped onto my computer (which is how I am posting this) to see if maybe my thread had posted and my phone just wasn't changing the screen and was being difficult, but my new thread has not posted and my phone continues to spin the loading icon and do nothing else.

So, is this just a 'my phone is being a jerk' thing, or are other people having this problem, too?

I also noticed yesterday that sometimes I have to close out of the app and reload it to be able to see my notifications because the app tells me there are none at all, even past notifications. It also sometimes tells me that there are no new threads in the "New Threads" section, and I have to close out and reload the app to have this change as well. Sometimes it takes closing out and reloading numerous times before the app shows me my notifications and the "New Thread" section.

Anyone else having issues?


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I don't use the app, but I do know we had issues recently with pictures. The other night was an update and the pictures are now working correctly. That said, the update may have messed with the app or the app is still in need of an update that may not have been done yet. Let's see if we can get @Josh to notice this thread and maybe he will know what's going on.

Angel Carrion

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Douglassville, PA
Thank you. It's been two hours now and my phone is still with the "loading" symbol. In the past when this has happened I just closed it out, rebooted, and reopened, but I wrote a lot of stuff in this thread that I reeeeaaaally don't feel like re-typing. Plus I don't really have the time to re-type it right now since I'm, supposed to be getting ready to leave for my little bro's birthday party right now, and instead I'm procrastinating on the computer, haha. Luckily my father and step mother only live about ten minutes from me, so I can procrastinate a little....


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What phone do you have? I've been using the app on and off since 5 o'clock this morning and have not had an issue. I have an iPhone if that matters. I've posted but I haven't tried to do any photos today.

Yvonne G

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your picture may be too big. Can you resize it to fewer pixels?

Angel Carrion

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Douglassville, PA
I am using an iPhone 4S
I have been using the same settings as previously, and never had a problem before. Also, this entire time I've been trying to log in and it hasn't let me until now.

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