Baby Tortoise Set up


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Apr 6, 2024
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First of all, I found the advice of not keeping the lid on during the day, put putting it on at night interesting. I have never seen anything like that, open top during the day, closed chamber at night.

I really like how he updated his past video with some new information. But there were some things I don't see as clear cut facts/advice that should be spread:
  • Chris tells that this container can house two tortoises for the first year
  • Chris shows a spot bulb, ramped water dish and moss as good products to buy from a reptile store
  • Chris tells that tortoises don't crasp the concept of glass
  • Chris promotes keeping hatchlings outdoors from day one without giving a disclaimer about different climates
Finally, I liked the part where Chris went through the terrible pamphlet provided at the pet store and debunking the information. And his research tips in the end too, warning about all the bad info out there.


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5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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I disagree with a lot of it. In fact, almost all of it. Most of us have learned what is best for all baby tortoises from Tom, and found out that his advice, and also advice from other experienced owners here, is what works.

Tim Carlisle

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Nov 13, 2017
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Cincinnati, OH
I disagree with a lot of it. In fact, almost all of it. Most of us have learned what is best for all baby tortoises from Tom, and found out that his advice, and also advice from other experienced owners here, is what works.
Now you know why there's so many confused newbies out there.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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Perhaps, my main complaint would be is that too much is "left to the reader". A lot of details is omitted (probably, they are all outlined in the care sheet on Hermanni Haven, but it wasn't mentioned in the video).

1. Spot bulb - ExoTerra Intense Basking Spot from the video is not very intense and not very 'spot'. So, I guess, at the proper distance it can be used with smaller tortoises. But other spotlights (e.g. from ZooMed) have different characteristics.
2. Desired nighttime/daytime/basking area temperatures are not mentioned. As well as humidity levels.
3. Importance of correct UVB light placement wasn't stressed. E.g. placing 10.0 lamp over "famous Aitiuvin" enclosure or "under bed storage" Sterlite container is not a good idea.
3. He mentions "slow growth" approach but doesn't dive in details.
And so on.

Chris does cool videos and gives overall good advise. YT format just doesn't allow to put all boring, but important information in a video and keep watchers interested. Yet, because of wide audience, I hope we'll see less tortoises in 10-gallon tanks on mix of river sand, gravel and scattered wet Mazuri.