can i do this

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May 11, 2009
when i bath trevey he normaly soaks for 30mins or so, i lightly poor water over his shell, but can i do this too his head, i see him self putting his head under the water but was worried if i do it to him?


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Mar 20, 2009
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I'm not too sure how to answer for ya Gemma. My honest opinion is to only do that if you're trying to clean his head or face, if it has food or dirt on. If he wants to wet his head, he'll do as you said. Just make sure the water is luke warm the whole time...30mins seems a bit too long, but that again is my opinion. I soak my Tallula for 20mins a time, always checking the water is warm...cold water can't be too pleasant hehe. I'm sure someone else will have a better answer for you.


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10-15 minutes is plenty, especially if the tort gets restless. If you are bathing that long, which is unnecessary in my opinion, then at least change out the water twice. Such a small pan of water gets very cold very quickly! More quickly than a bathtub for example because of the depth.

I also put my tort's water in his enclosure near the light so it stays a reasonable temperature. Once I did this I see him go in daily so I actually stopped soaking unless he needs a bath or something else is going on health-wise.

Yes, you can pour water over them if they can tolerate it, even the face. Don't get water in their nose though. I would just be careful to do so very slowly. It would be preferred not to do this though as most torts wouldn't like it! I however can never seem to dab at my tort's face so if its dirty and he doesn't wash it himself with his arms, then I will pour a little water. More like let it drip over from the top of his head actually. If he puts his head under himself this should be plenty...

I love watching him wash his face with his arms!

Stace I thought your answer was good. :)

Gross alert: One time my tort had poop stuck to his back end and his shell so bad I had to put his butt under warm running water for a little bit! He would not let me wipe under his tail, and it was really bad.... His skin is so delicate I didn't want to use even a soft brush back there. It worked though!

Gulf Coast

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I never pour water over Waldo.. I just place him in his warm water and he will do his own face washing and even rubs his wittle <--- said in a very cute way :) arms on his face... and if he wants a drink he lowers his head and take a sip. I think if I poured it over him he would flip out... I thought just sitting them in the water was enough? Why pour over shell or even head?


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Lol Kate! Thanks. Same thing happened to Tallula! I turned the tap on and she went under it on her own though hahaha. Everytime I put her in the bath to soak her, I put her down, and she walks BACKWARDS through the water, like, scooting backwards. I will try remember to take a video of it. Haha crazy kid.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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I dont pour water over mine for one simpe reason, as the water dries it usually lowers their temps and can be bad for them. Unless he was in direct sunlight so he/she could warm up afterwards, I personally would avoid it.


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dmmj said:
I dont pour water over mine for one simpe reason, as the water dries it usually lowers their temps and can be bad for them. Unless he was in direct sunlight so he/she could warm up afterwards, I personally would avoid it.

Is it ok to use a wash cloth with warm water to sort of rub the shell to get all the dirt off though?

Maggie Cummings

I don't see anything wrong with it. I have some small tortoises and sometimes when I soak them I dribble water over their heads. When it's hot outside I turn the hose on Bob and I run the water all over him. He makes the motion of splashing water up on his back. I think it's funny. I have put the running hose over his head and his face then he scrubs his face on those thorny legs...ouch! Their legs are so tough and the skin on their heads and necks is so soft and tender....


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I do it to Dale and he really likes it. It warms him up. :)

Gulf Coast

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who knows.. maybe in the future I will with Waldo.. but for now.. No.. he HATED/FREAKED out when I first tried to soak him.. He was so scared.. I was feeling guilty about MAKING him soak, even though I knew he needed it and the water was the right level and temp.. I still felt guilty.. Thats when Patsy told me wellll you wouldn't let your daughter not take a bath if she didn't like it.. SO TRUE.. Once I thought of it that way, I made up my mind that guilty or not he had to soak.. And now he is finally okay with it.. He doesn't struggle or pretend he is drowning.. :p He was playing me.. lol.. So maybe later on but as of right now.. I don't.

spring pace

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Jun 15, 2009
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hi i started giving my sulcata showers when he was really small, didnt even shut his eyes and i never worried about him drowing. recently i learned that when sulcatas and maybe even other torts drink water thru their nose. ive never seen galileo drink w/ his mouth and i see him w/ his head in the water alot. sorry i cant show you a pic, for some reason tinypics webpage isnt working at this time. smiles, galileo & spring


finally got the pic of galileo in the shower. still makes me smile when i see it. spring

Maggie Cummings

Wonderful picture! Isn't it great to be able to post the pictures right here and not have to look them up somewhere? I love the way Josh set this forum up...

spring pace

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Jun 15, 2009
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i agree, i belong to one other group that i get to post a pic w/o having to put in a folder, tho that choice is possible too. thanks josh, you done good. galileo & spring big smiles
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