Can u identify these tortoises ?

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Mar 24, 2011

My daughters pre-school has two tortoises which have been fed on only apples for years. I am now trying to take care of them but know nothing about tortoises other than what I have researched on the internet. I am now feeding them leafy greens every day - kale, dandelions, spring mix lettuce, pansy petals, crab grass, no fruit - and have ordered som Mazuri for them. I have also bought them a daylight light (UVB/A ?). They have a heat lamp already. I have taken a few pics, not sure how good they are as I had to resize them to fit them on this post but hopefully you can tell me what they are. I was told Greek, then we thought they were Russian ?? They told me they are males but I'm not sure I trust anything they say. I also would appreciate any help on what other flowers I can feed them etc. Also anything I must specifically NOT feed them....I know about spinach and iceberg lettuce. Thanks.
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You should make sure the light you have is UVB. Unless they are getting plenty of real sunshine outside.


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I agree that the first one is a female. The second one looks like it could also be a female too but the pic is a too small to tell for certain. I tried enlarging it but it becomes too blurry.


I agree both Russians, the first one female, the second one the pic is too small to tell. Thank you for taking on their care and doing the research to make sure it is done right! :)


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Mar 24, 2011
Ok, here is a picture of the second one again. I have resized the original one...let's hope it is clear. Thank you to everyone for your help!

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Vikster said:
Ok, here is a picture of the second one again. I have resized the original one...let's hope it is clear. Thank you to everyone for your help!

Looks like a female as well for that one.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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wow to come across 2 females like that. Have you tried hibiscus (both flower and leaves) with them yet?


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Mar 24, 2011
jeffbens0n said:
If you need a new home for them you can send them to me...:)

They are still at the pre-school. I am just making sure they have fresh water and good food every day. And I want them to know that (some) people notice when animals are not taken care of properly. I also want to raise the tortoises "profile" so that maybe they won't be so forgotten. However, if it comes to the point they don't want them any more I will certainly let you know ! I certainly don't want them. I have two kids, four cats and a husband to take care of...I don't need any more ! ;)

dmmj said:
wow to come across 2 females like that. Have you tried hibiscus (both flower and leaves) with them yet?

Not sure where to get those from. I certainly don't have any hibiscus at home. I've been shopping for the tortoises at Whole Foods so there won't be any pesticide's but they only sell Pansy flower heads. Maybe I should buy a plant strip it. Oh I wish I didn't get so involved with animals. What a lot of work and expense, coupled with the worry of what happens to them when my daughter leaves in June !


The Dog Trainer
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Here on the forum there is a Plant ID section. Look around in there and around your house for weeds. I'll bet you see some you recognize. Weeds are better for them than all the store bought stuff anyway and they are FREE! Obviously, make sure they are pesticide and chemical free.

Beautiful tortoises. Thank you for taking good care of them.


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Mar 24, 2011
Tom said:
Here on the forum there is a Plant ID section. Look around in there and around your house for weeds. I'll bet you see some you recognize. Weeds are better for them than all the store bought stuff anyway and they are FREE! Obviously, make sure they are pesticide and chemical free.

Beautiful tortoises. Thank you for taking good care of them.

Thanks. I'll take a look.

Yvonne G

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Hi Vickster:

May we know your name and where you are?

I'm sending you so much credit right now! You're doing a great thing. And teaching by example is wonderful!!! Thank you so much for taking good care of those poor tortoises.

Russian tortoises are very forgiving of poor care, and are pretty cold hardy.

Good job!!!!


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Oct 30, 2010
the second one is very nice as well. If you're looking for a new home for them and Jeff mysteriously disappears :p I'll take them!


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Mar 24, 2011
emysemys said:
Hi Vickster:

May we know your name and where you are?

I'm sending you so much credit right now! You're doing a great thing. And teaching by example is wonderful!!! Thank you so much for taking good care of those poor tortoises.

Russian tortoises are very forgiving of poor care, and are pretty cold hardy.

Good job!!!!

Thanks. I get kind of obsessed with animals that are not being taken care of so it's nice to get some credit instead of looking like the crazy lady ! Lol ! Usually my rescue animals of choice are feral cats so it's a nice change from trap, spay/nueter. My Mother was so glad I got married and had kids as she used to say I would be the old crazy lady with a house full of cats. :p

My name is Vicki and I live in Northern California. I know these poor teachers have enough to do so I don't really blame them. They are not trying to be cruel. I am so glad that you say the Russian Tortoises are very forgiving. I wouldn't be if you fed me on apples for years !! It's so funny, the only thing they were "sure" about was the fact they were males. They are gonna hate me even more when I go in tomorrow and tell them they are females. Thanks again for all your help and support. Shout out to "Spikethebest" who was my intial contact when I wanted to order Mazuri after reading how great it was. He was the one who told me to post pics and that you guys would know instantly what you were looking at.
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