Diet in tropical and subtropical climates.

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Dec 29, 2007
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Most if not all diets I have seen for torts consist of mainly plants that grow in a temperate climate such as dandilions, plantain weed, grape leaves, and mulberry leaves. There are some tropicals such as tropical hibiscus and papyaha but nothing further. What fed in place of say dandilion in tropical climate. I ask because I seen questions on diet from places like Hawaii or Caribbean islands.

Yvonne G

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My Burmese tortoises will eat a young banana tree right down to the ground!



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Apr 10, 2008
There are lots of things that are well suited for your situation. I grow lots of spineless prickly pear cactus (opuntia) they love the rain but will also tolerate the dry season. Bananas, heliconias my guys eat quite a bit of St Augustine grass. There are many types of grapes that do well in the tropics as well as Mulberry also does very well in the tropics I have 3 varieties. I also feed Mango, avocado, wax jambu and many others. Check out this site. Best Wishes Douglas Beard


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Douglas, I had always heard that avocado was a no no for torts. I'm not doubting because I know there are a number of trueisms out there, i.e. alocasia and colacasia are poisonous, yet MEEs and MEPs search them out and eat same in the wild (and my collection).


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Have we ever wondered that these torts are smart when it comes to food?:D..I've observed my boxies, they always smell their food first before taking the first bite. I believe, in nature, these reptiles know which plants, fruits, insects.....are edible and stay away from the poisonous ones. Do we all feel that they loose the ability to tell the differences by being raised in captive?

Back to food in tropical countries. I think we should google that particular country, find its native plants, fruits.....and possible native torts and finding out what they consume. Then perhaps, with trying and error, we can find some answers that can be best for each situation. I do feel that these torts could adjust more than we have given them their worth. I wish there have been researches on this subject, so we don't have to be so unsure about what to feed and not to feed . This is my two cents worth.



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Apr 10, 2008
I feed avocado to all of my torts I have 7 varieties in my yard all grown organically. I start getting my first avocados in August and all the way through January to Feb at the latest. Asian torts go BONKERS as do all of the other animals I own. My group of sulcattas have a large avocado tree in the center of their pen and not only eat the fruit but also the leaves. The tree will defoliate every year right before flowering and the stools will be virtually 100% fallen avocado leaves. They have been doing this for 9 years with no ill effect. My redfoots also receive shade from avocado trees and eat the fruit every chance that they get. These are the West Indian type of avocados and not the little useless Haas "hand grenades" LOL Just for giggles I'll enclose a picture of one of my avocado fruits, smooth skin and up to 2 lbs each fruit. So sorry that it is not with a tortoise. My torts eat the skin and all, just not the seed. Also Calabasa or otherwise known as tropical pumpkin is a favorite of all of these animals. Leaves, flowers and fruits are eaten with enthusiasm. If you need I would be happy to send you seeds as I grow them yearround. This offer is open to anyone. Best wishes Douglas Beard


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My in-laws lived in Pompano Beach and we loved getting the West Indian avocados and would bring them back to the amazement of our friends and neighbors. You are right about the green grenades, they're not the same.


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elegans said:
I feed avocado to all of my torts I have 7 varieties in my yard all grown organically. I start getting my first avocados in August and all the way through January to Feb at the latest. Asian torts go BONKERS as do all of the other animals I own. My group of sulcattas have a large avocado tree in the center of their pen and not only eat the fruit but also the leaves. The tree will defoliate every year right before flowering and the stools will be virtually 100% fallen avocado leaves. They have been doing this for 9 years with no ill effect. My redfoots also receive shade from avocado trees and eat the fruit every chance that they get. These are the West Indian type of avocados and not the little useless Haas "hand grenades" LOL Just for giggles I'll enclose a picture of one of my avocado fruits, smooth skin and up to 2 lbs each fruit. So sorry that it is not with a tortoise. My torts eat the skin and all, just not the seed. Also Calabasa or otherwise known as tropical pumpkin is a favorite of all of these animals. Leaves, flowers and fruits are eaten with enthusiasm. If you need I would be happy to send you seeds as I grow them yearround. This offer is open to anyone. Best wishes Douglas Beard

Thank you I will take your offer on the seeds. And please send us some pics of your torts, we love pics here at TF. I like your spirit, when things work either by chances or by accidents to benefit our pets, I will follow my instinct on what works best. These avocados are also good for apllying on your face to make your facial skin beautiful :D, but I still prefer the Haas for my salad:)

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