Help! Raising Sulcata in New York?


New Member
Jul 12, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
New York
First and foremost, I had no intention of moving back to New York after moving here to Florida over a year ago. I was hoping this would of been my forever home but an emergency has called me back to New York and now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with my Sulcata.

Space in New York is no question, I will be moving back with my parents who own a 40 acres land with a decent sized house. What I'm concerned about is housing during our winter months when he becomes too big to keep inside a class container. Currently my Sulcata is a little more than a year old and the size of my hand. He is growing in size quickly, which was amazing when I thought about a outside enclosure in Florida but now that New York may be in my plans this time next year, I'm dreading it.

What would be the best thing to do for my Sulcata in terms of housing? I plan on building him a outside enclosure that has a heated "house" for the spring-fall months where it might get a little chilly but SNOW!!

Would a shed work? Or should I build him a giant enclosure inside? Honestly I would love some input or experience with anybody else who owns a Sulcata in colder climates.

Florida is overrun by Sulcata population so in terms of finding him housing elsewhere is little to none and I can't ensure his care being taking properly. I would really love to find a way to keep him with me... I love my little, Littlefoot.

Chubbs the tegu

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Im in the same boat(in boston) mine is still a hatchling rn but always thinking ahead.. i have a huge partially finished basement i plan on building a huge pen down there for winter months. Im sure the more experienced keepers will have ideas for you soon:) good luck! U seem like a good mommy

Chubbs the tegu

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The basement was for my man cave under construction so hopefully sully is a he haha

Tim Carlisle

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A shed would work fine, but you would have to insulate it well and provide a radiant heat source.


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Check out the tortoise enclosure section. @Tom has a good one. But many members here are in cold states. They have all come up with some great ideas. You won't find a better resource .All the questions you have can be answered here.
Good luck


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