Inactive Redfoot

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cuco de cuba

5 Year Member
Sep 23, 2012
I just bought my hatchling red foot 3 weeks ago he is about 3 month. Im very happy with my new friend, but i notice he does not come out of his hide much. He has been eating and pooping but i usually place him in front of his food dish after i soak him. He poops and then eats. But since i only soak him every other day thats the only time I see him eat. Should i be worried about the eating schedule? He is also always in his hide an not very active usually always in the same place. There is always food in his dish. Should i be worried he does not eat unless i show him to the food? Should i worry about his inactivity
Also i placed his hide and the moss on top of a heating pad I use as the heating source. The glass can get to about 110 but were he lays has never read higher then 95 on my thermometer and he has not dug into the moss because i have placed moss in his hide he love to hide in. It 110 too hot for my hatchling?
Any info on my questions would be so helpful i just started using the forum and i love all the info


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I keep the ambient temp in my tortoise enclosure at 80 to 85, with ground temps from 78 in cool areas to 90 in the warmer areas.

Personally I would soak the baby daily and keep the humidity nice and high.

Please read articles under the " redfoot" section. You will find tons of advice, on enclosure, lighting, heat, humidity, diet.
Good luck.:tort:


5 Year Member
Jul 23, 2010
cuco de cuba said:
I just bought my hatchling red foot 3 weeks ago he is about 3 month. Im very happy with my new friend, but i notice he does not come out of his hide much. He has been eating and pooping but i usually place him in front of his food dish after i soak him. He poops and then eats. But since i only soak him every other day thats the only time I see him eat. Should i be worried about the eating schedule? He is also always in his hide an not very active usually always in the same place. There is always food in his dish. Should i be worried he does not eat unless i show him to the food? Should i worry about his inactivity
Also i placed his hide and the moss on top of a heating pad I use as the heating source. The glass can get to about 110 but were he lays has never read higher then 95 on my thermometer and he has not dug into the moss because i have placed moss in his hide he love to hide in. It 110 too hot for my hatchling?
Any info on my questions would be so helpful i just started using the forum and i love all the info

Hi there, 110F is too hot. Mine prefers to be in the 85-90 range, but usually in the 85F. As for the inactivity, it is absolutely normal for young rf's to be inactive. Mine was seriously burried in moss for about 1 year.

Now she's about 2 years old and active. I used to have to take her out of the substrate physically and feed her. She's active now and now longer hides all day.


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Feb 28, 2012
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I soak mine for fifteen minutes daily. There are people who soak twice daily.
My understanding is that the more soals the better, for babies.


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Hatchlings can and will dehydrate very fast so bathe daily.
Its like a puppy, or a baby....Sleep,Eat,Poo pretty much all for a year or soo.
Redfoot like it about 80-95 not much higher! They like it damp (80%) humidity.
And they like tight dark hiding places

cuco de cuba

5 Year Member
Sep 23, 2012
Thank you to all who posted. I have a question is the exo- terra repti glo 5.0 uvb 13 w a good enough source on uvb? The one that i have is a spiral bulb i have been reading post that said the spiral bulbs hurt the red foots eyes and could cause eye infection. Should i change the one i have? What should i hang it to?


What should i change it too if this one is bad



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The spiral bulb is not good. Maybe try the repti glo tube. That is what I use

cuco de cuba

5 Year Member
Sep 23, 2012
Could you please be a little more specific. I have a baby red foot and I really want to get the best source of UVB for him.

Alan RF

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Aug 10, 2012
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cuco de cuba said:
Could you please be a little more specific. I have a baby red foot and I really want to get the best source of UVB for him.

I use a strip light that has a 12uvb because his viv is tall so he's probably getting 5. It depends on your set up I guess, as for the way he is give him time as it takes them a while to adjust ;)


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Jun 25, 2012
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NE Ohio
cuco de cuba said:
Could you please be a little more specific. I have a baby red foot and I really want to get the best source of UVB for him.

The repti glo 5.0 but make sure its a tube!:tort:

cuco de cuba said:
Could you please be a little more specific. I have a baby red foot and I really want to get the best source of UVB for him.

The repti glo 5.0 but make sure its a tube!
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