is this a terrapene mexicana?


New Member
Nov 30, 2014
Hi, after my previous post about terrapene carolina carolina, i got another doubt.
I have a terrapene which was identified as a mexicana, do you agree? What subspecies could it be? Which are the main features to look to understand the subspecies of a terrapene mexicana?
Thanks in advance for the future answers.


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Yvonne G

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In that other thread where one of our members posted pictures of his Mexicana, I've asked him to help us differentiate between the two. From the pictures he posted, I THINK that the Mexicana has yellow spots on its skin.

They look so much like the triunguis, that I really can't tell them apart from pictures. Let's ask @justturtles what he thinks.
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New Member
5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2012
It is difficult for me to look at a photo and make a determination. But looking at the photo of the Carapace and the photo of the Plastron it looks Gulf Coast. Looking at the head shot photo it looks like a Eastern Box turtle to me. I could see the number of growth rings on the Plastron and with it being held I could determine its size. This is not a young turtle. If it was a Mexican Box turtle it would be much larger and would have lost most if not all of its coloration by now. My best guess with the way it looks and for its age would be to call it a Eastern Box turtle (Terrapene Carolina carolina) with the possibility of an integration with a Gulf Coast. Regardless, it is a nice looking specimen!