
Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
This was Mi-Shell's introduction thread:

I thought I had reported her death, but I did a search and couldn't find it, so I'll report it again.

I'm sorry to say that Mi-shell didn't make it through the winter '20/'21. When I opened the door to their hibernaculum Mi-Shell never came out, so I had to dig through all the leaves and open the lid. There she was, an empty shell with only one little mummified leg left to her body. Needless to say, I was devastated and guilty. I felt just awful. I set her shell on a chair on my front porch, and there she stayed all of last year up to now. I just didn't have the heart to bury her.

Fast forward to yesterday. My sister came from Oregon Monday night to bring me three Russian tortoises that someone gave her. As we were walking around yesterday looking at the animals, she said, "Is that Mi-Shell?" pointing to the shell on my front porch. So I picked her up to show Maggie and something white inside the shell caught my eye. I tilted her shell up and this huge egg rolled to the bottom. So, I was feeling guilty about her dying during hibernation, and when I realized this egg was huge, now I feel guilty that I didn't recognize the signs of being egg bound. Poor Mi-Shell. What pain she must have felt. What an awful thing to have to endure.

Mi-Shell's egg.jpg

Desert tortoise eggs are about half that size. This thing is HUGE!


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
This was Mi-Shell's introduction thread:

I thought I had reported her death, but I did a search and couldn't find it, so I'll report it again.

I'm sorry to say that Mi-shell didn't make it through the winter '20/'21. When I opened the door to their hibernaculum Mi-Shell never came out, so I had to dig through all the leaves and open the lid. There she was, an empty shell with only one little mummified leg left to her body. Needless to say, I was devastated and guilty. I felt just awful. I set her shell on a chair on my front porch, and there she stayed all of last year up to now. I just didn't have the heart to bury her.

Fast forward to yesterday. My sister came from Oregon Monday night to bring me three Russian tortoises that someone gave her. As we were walking around yesterday looking at the animals, she said, "Is that Mi-Shell?" pointing to the shell on my front porch. So I picked her up to show Maggie and something white inside the shell caught my eye. I tilted her shell up and this huge egg rolled to the bottom. So, I was feeling guilty about her dying during hibernation, and when I realized this egg was huge, now I feel guilty that I didn't recognize the signs of being egg bound. Poor Mi-Shell. What pain she must have felt. What an awful thing to have to endure.

View attachment 343489

Desert tortoise eggs are about half that size. This thing is HUGE!
Yvonne, I'm sorry for your loss💔
You know, guilt has a funny way of finding those who deserve it the least. You gave Mi-Shell a stellar life. I read the thread you posted and as you said she was an old tort, she lived a long great life under your care. The thing is with being human is we don't know. The reality is that these things happen because we couldn't possibly have known, and we can't beat ourselves up over it, we can't go back to change it, so it won't help beating ourselves up over it.
You said that you feel bad that you didn't recognize the signs of being egg bound, but I don't think there were any signs to begin with. If you keep looking back like that you'll rip yourself to pieces
Tell Maggie to give you a pinch and a pat on the back, you gave a tort a good life!
We can only go forward and focus on the good

Lyn W

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5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Sorry this happened Yvonne, she was a big part of your life, but I know she would have had many years of great care from you.

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