New here, any advice is welcome. Thanks!


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5 Year Member
Sep 10, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Chilliwack, BC
Hi there! I agree your tank is wayyyy too small from what I can see in the photos.
I would suggest you go and pick up a large storage tub to house your new Tortoise in for now. :)
This is what I am housing my 4" Cherry Head in currently, and she is going to need an upgrade quite soon.
You can find large bins/tubs like that in any hardware store usually, or even Walmart might have them. :)


New Member
Jan 19, 2015
Thank you all for the warm welcomes! I agree that it is too small, I'm booking to get something soon so she can be more comfortable. Her name is Shelli. Thanks for the tips! I am holding off on the broccoli; I also need to get a better substrate. I see most everyone uses the cypress mulch which I am in the works of looking. Our local Walmart/lowes/Home Depot don't have 100 percent pure mulch so I'm still hunting. Thanks again for the tips, I will continue to post pics as I add and change things to give shelli the best life!


New Member
Jan 19, 2015
Hi Simon, and welcome to the Forum!

I'm just down the road from you in Clovis!! We're practically neighbors - LOL!

Your tank is too small. Pat your substrate down with your hand so it's not so 'fluffy.' Makes it easier for him to walk on it. Is there a hiding place? Broccoli should be fed sparingly.

Here's a link: Tortoise Library

I just added a tunnel for her; now I need to work on getting a bigger tank. :/

Thanks for the link, Clovis is right down the street! Ha

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