New owner and need help


New Member
Jan 7, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Hello all! I have just recently purchased a baby box turtle. There was a woman at the shop who seemed very helpful but she did confess she had other reptiles and amphibians and not specifically a box turtle. I have been doing a lot of.research (before and after my purchase) and need some guidance on some things. First, is my set up the best it can be? I have him in a 1x3 (feet) terrarium (i cant remember the exact gallons but it is pretty big and one of the biggest the store had). I have substrate of 'plantation soil' which was recommended. I have a 26 watt UVB which I was advised to turn off for 12 hours (night) and on for 12 hours (day). I have a 100 watt heating lamp which always stays on. A water dish of fresh shallow water daily, his food which is just the basic box turtle food (I have also been feeding him some small chopped veggies and he loves live mealworms). I have a thermometer and hygrometer to ensure proper temps and humidity. And of course plenty of hiding places. However, I have come into some issues. First, I have been finding it diffiult to keep his humidity up (only at about 50%) when I know it should be more in the 60-70% range. His temperature seems to be good as it is always between 70-80. I had tinfoiled the top of.the enclosure (leaving openings for both lamps) to try to keep some humidity in but does not seem to be doing much. I spray substrate everyday (im fact I have had to pour about half a liter of water onto substrate) and it doesnt seem to keep humidity up all day. I even bought a fogger which seems to help a little but I dont think I want to continue using it as he does not seem to like it and runs to hide when it is on.
Should I be using something else for substrate. Maybe something to keep humidity and holds moisture better? The stuff I am using now seems to dry pretty quick. I noticed some people recommended mulch or top soil but what kind specifically and is it just the gardening stuff you can buy at lowes or home depot?
Also, I noticed many people use live plants in their turtle enclosures. If so, what kind? I am worried about this as the turtle may try eating them and dont want anything toxic.
Lastly, is there anything I should ensure he is getting in his diet? I do sprinkle a little vitamins on his food and he seems to be eating his box turtle food (as well as some fresh veg I put into the dish as well) but he seems to love mealworms and doesnt really eat the crickets we have been trying to feed him.
Thank you

Big Charlie

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5 Year Member
Jul 28, 2015
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Maybe you could ask a moderator to merge your threads. You don't need two threads on the same topic.