New swamp method....would love some input from box turtle peeps.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Irving Texas
I recently started a new "swamp" micro climate in my baby box turtle tank. I tilted the tank about 20 degrees and flooded the down slope, duh, substrate and all. The babies LOVE it! As soon as I did it, they all ran and jumped in (in so much as baby box turtles can run AND jump)! The substrate on the flooded end is moss and coco coir. I situated their water plate in such a way that they have access to "clean" water at the edge of the swamp. The teenies use this as a diving platform to get in and out of the swamp. The larger ones will bull doze right in and sit in the water with just their heads poking out for hours and hours.

I wonder though. is there a danger of shell rot when they do this? I know I am being paranoid. These are three toed spawn and they practically live in water and it is clear they are LOVING the new set up. They do have access to a dry area where there is a basking spot and plenty of hides on the up slope.

Maggie Cummings

I have made a swamp for my Eastern hatchling as well. He loves it too; plus my 3 toed adult lives in his paint roller pan full of water. He is always in the water.
They just really like chillin in the water.

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