questions for keeping manouria impressa


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5 Year Member
Oct 4, 2014
Oshashi WR - Kopie.jpg


I have some questions about the manouria impressa to the experts. ;)
Keep the manouria impressas a hibernation? at what temperatures? dry or moist?
in Germany there are no breeders who can answer me these questions :(

many greetings from Bavaria


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 31, 2013
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Hi Petra frag mal in der Schweiz nach bei dem zuchtprogramm von impressa. Der Mann heißt Victor Mislin.
Kurz zu deinen fragen:

M. Impressa don't hibernate it's a tropical tortoise which have a climate in their habitat which is constant warm and wet. Also you have to keep them wet and not dry.
Temperatures I don't know exactly but they need normal tropical temperatures between 28-33C I think.

Zur Verfügbarkeit kann ich dir sagen du wirst fast keine legalen Tiere finden. Letzend gab es mal ein Angebot von impressa. Die einzige legale Quelle ist wirklich das Schweizer Zuchtbuch.


New Member
Sep 12, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Hi there ,

I don't keep any impressa and not an expert .

But I would agree with juli11 , and from what I read , they stay in deep forest with lots of vegetation and cover , not much direct sun light will reach the ground , thus while the region temperature might be over 30°c , the ground temperature will be lower , around 25-26 maybe . And definitely very humid .


New Member
5 Year Member
Oct 4, 2014

Hallo Juli 11,
Viktor Mislin ist mein guter Freund und ich selbst bin Projektleiter dieses Projekts (EMI) in Deutschland
Meine 4 semidadulten Tiere sind von Viktor und meine beiden adulten Tiere kommen aus Hong Kong. Alle Tiere sind legal und ich habe für alle Tiere die erforderlichen Papiere (Cites)

M. Impressa don't hibernate it's a tropical tortoise which have a climate in their habitat which is constant warm and wet
That's not true. The climate is characterized by a rainy season (May –October) and a dry season that is further subdivided into the cold-dry (November –
February) and hot-dry seasons (March – April).
By late September (in Asia) tortoises became less active, which coincides with when many species of mushrooms were no longer available. In
October, when the temperatures were lower and mushrooms were not available, most tortoises became inactive.
Temperatures I don't know exactly but they need normal tropical temperatures between 28-33C I think
During the cold-dry season (November – February), most individuals were hiding and no movement was observed for any individual during
December and January
Tortoises were found to be active at ambient temperatures ranging from 12.0 ºC - 30.0 ºC, and a relative humidity from 60% - 100%

Hi poco,
But I would agree with juli11 , and from what I read , they stay in deep forest with lots of vegetation and cover , not much direct sun light will reach the ground , thus while the region temperature might be over 30°c , the ground temperature will be lower , around 25-26 maybe
that's right - this is the rainy season

many greetings
