Russian Tortoise Lethargy


Jillian Fricke

This is ny first autumn/winter having a Russian Tortoise, so forgive me if I seem at all ignorant. My little guy is kept indoors year-round, and in the summer I took him outside for some playtime every afternoon. He is usually extremely energetic and social. He comes immediately when his name is called and is always ready to eat. However, he has barely been moving over the past two days and is extremely lethargic. He has been eating a little, however. Could he possibly be entering hibernation mode, and would it happen this quickly? Or should I take him to the emergency vet?

Additional info: I have a PowerSun bulb that stays on for 12 hours a day. I also have a ceramic heat emitter for the nighttime that has NOT been used yet, because it has not dropped below 60 degrees overnight yet.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
This time of year, in the Northern Hemisphere, the days get much shorter and the temps get cooler. This makes them think its time to hibernate. The way to combat this, if you don't want to hibernate your tortoise, is to make things brighter, warmer and keep the "sun" up longer.

I would add a long 10.0 tube over the enclosure for more light. Set it on the same timer as your basking bulb. Make the lights come on an hour before sunrise and stay on for an hour or two after sun set.

Also fire up that CHE and set the thermostat around 70 for warmer nights.

With the extra heat and decreased appetite and activity, be sure to soak daily or every other day in warm water to ensure good hydration. THe frequent soaks seem to help keep them "awake" better too.

Jillian Fricke

This time of year, in the Northern Hemisphere, the days get much shorter and the temps get cooler. This makes them think its time to hibernate. The way to combat this, if you don't want to hibernate your tortoise, is to make things brighter, warmer and keep the "sun" up longer.

I would add a long 10.0 tube over the enclosure for more light. Set it on the same timer as your basking bulb. Make the lights come on an hour before sunrise and stay on for an hour or two after sun set.

Also fire up that CHE and set the thermostat around 70 for warmer nights.

With the extra heat and decreased appetite and activity, be sure to soak daily or every other day in warm water to ensure good hydration. THe frequent soaks seem to help keep them "awake" better too.

I really appreciate all of the info! Always do. :)
But do you think it is a cause for concern that he went from extremely social and energetic to completely lethargic in a matter of two days?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2015
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I really appreciate all of the info! Always do. :)
But do you think it is a cause for concern that he went from extremely social and energetic to completely lethargic in a matter of two days?
I do understand that If you wake him up, he opens his eyes and is alert. The only thing that concerns you is his lack of apetite and sleeping all day long?If it is only that I agree with Tom - his going into sleep mode. Did you encountered any bad weather for the last few days?Maybe its getting colder at your home? For example my Rufin does not care about an extra bulb he is used to hibernating and I can do nothing about it. He doesn't eat and sleeps all day long. I can only give him the right temperatures so he will not strain his reserves. This year I can't put him into the fridge because he is ill. Still he sleeps all day and hasn't eaten much for a month or so. I soak him 3-4 times a week to keep him hydrated and let him be.


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Chicago, Illinois, USA
I do understand that If you wake him up, he opens his eyes and is alert. The only thing that concerns you is his lack of apetite and sleeping all day long?If it is only that I agree with Tom - his going into sleep mode. Did you encountered any bad weather for the last few days?Maybe its getting colder at your home? For example my Rufin does not care about an extra bulb he is used to hibernating and I can do nothing about it. He doesn't eat and sleeps all day long. I can only give him the right temperatures so he will not strain his reserves. This year I can't put him into the fridge because he is ill. Still he sleeps all day and hasn't eaten much for a month or so. I soak him 3-4 times a week to keep him hydrated and let him be.
If he is ill, you can not let him hibernate! Only a healthy tortoise that you have kept awake for the first year you owned him should be allowed to hibernate. A ill tortoise will not make it through hibernation. At least a very good chance he won't make it. Tortoises need to be healthy and properly prepared to hibernate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2015
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If he is ill, you can not let him hibernate! Only a healthy tortoise that you have kept awake for the first year you owned him should be allowed to hibernate. A ill tortoise will not make it through hibernation. At least a very good chance he won't make it. Tortoises need to be healthy and properly prepared to hibernate.
Did you actually read what I wrote top to bottom? If not please go to the sentence that starts "this year I can't put him into the fridge...". Thank you.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Did you actually read what I wrote top to bottom? If not please go to the sentence that starts "this year I can't put him into the fridge...". Thank you.
Oops sorry. I did read the whole thread, but read can not can't. I do need new glasses, did I mention that:D


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
I really appreciate all of the info! Always do. :)
But do you think it is a cause for concern that he went from extremely social and energetic to completely lethargic in a matter of two days?

If everything else is okay, then yes, it is normal for them to get "sleepy" pretty rapidly.

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