Sheldon (from E.Orlando) Update

Oct 28, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Wedgefield, FL
Hi Frens!

I finally got Sheldon’s enclosure set up, but as soon as I put the water dish and the log thingy in there I understood why you guys said the enclosure would be too small. I am using the orchid bark as advised. When I put him in there and he happily walked into the dark part of the enclosure and promptly fell asleep. I will work on another solution soon.

Boy has been eating well and peeing & pooping well too. Today he had a soak, longer than usual cos i got a phone call. He pooped SIX different nuggets (i bet he feels amazing and light now! Haha).

He’s been really cute tho. He’s up and waiting for me when i come in with food. We got a pretty cool routine going for now too. And he is getting less and less afraid of me, which is also really nice. Like he lets me pick him up and isn’t immediately freaking out trying to escape. And he will even keep his head out of the shell when i pick him up. And he comes over for scratches while he is eating. I’m smitten, LoL


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Oct 28, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Wedgefield, FL
Yes those cages should be banned from being sold, specially for tortoises. Until you can improve the size, 4x8 foot minimum, take the log hide out. That's what the built in hide is for.
Well, he will still spend the day in the baby pool and only sleep in the “enclosure” at nite. And the blue pool will also have the orchid bark, so he will still have room to move around. Then, hopefully I’m going to figure out a way to get him a much larger permanent enclosure. I’m thinking about a big raised planter…with mesh or something on the bottom (under the substrate) so he can’t dig himself free. And some kind of netting at the top to keep him safe from the birbs and slithery noodles and stuff, but that may take a bit of doing and might not happen til after winter. Last year it got pretty cold at nite, so i want to be able to bring him inside easily. 🐢


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Sep 6, 2011
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When you can build a bigger place outside, building on the ground would be better. He could graze on the ground weeds etc. You can still put a bottom on it like chicken wire and build a top of the same. Using 2x4x8 or 2x4x10 or 2x6x8 or 10 for the ground frame and then use 2x2xthe same length you buy for the ground would give a light top you can hinge on to the bottom frame. Then staple chicken wire to the bottom of ground frame and to the top of the top frame.
You could still use the house cage for night time if you don't want to leave him out at night or for those too cold days.
Oct 28, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Wedgefield, FL
When you can build a bigger place outside, building on the ground would be better. He could graze on the ground weeds etc. You can still put a bottom on it like chicken wire and build a top of the same. Using 2x4x8 or 2x4x10 or 2x6x8 or 10 for the ground frame and then use 2x2xthe same length you buy for the ground would give a light top you can hinge on to the bottom frame. Then staple chicken wire to the bottom of ground frame and to the top of the top frame.
You could still use the house cage for night time if you don't want to leave him out at night or for those too cold days.
That’s a great idea about the chicken wire! Thanks!!

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