Sorry for the bad word....


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
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That photo is so frightening. When I had this solar job done I was initially upset that when there is no grid power you can't use solar without batteries in the system. Do you know why? Because if it was always tied in, there would be the potential to kill linemen repairing the grid power local to the house. You have to go "off-grid" and have your batteries at less than 60% in order to utilize the energy the panels make. The default charge of batteries when the panels are on is only 20%. They have "storm watch" which when there is a storm in your area the batteries go up to 100% to anticipate an outage. Anyway...

In similar fashion, the reason that they have to build these fire rated rooms:IMG_5722.jpeg
Is to contain Tesla battery fires!!

And because this is mechanical space I'm going to use hardibacker on the inside and a tile job on the left wall where the water stuff is. Got an extra sump pump this week in case one fails. I don't need any water or fire drama next to the studio... in my basement. I like my fires in the wood stove only thank you very much.

Can't imagine what a minefield the water puddles in that photo are.

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