

Well-Known Member
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Jun 21, 2016
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I understand now that the US Navy probably heard the implosion via some hydrophones, shortly after contact was lost. I guess "the plot thickens".

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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This was a terrible tragedy, I have been thinking of it all week. The only consolation - if any can be found - is that it was a quick end for them. My thoughts are with all the families.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
This was a terrible tragedy, I have been thinking of it all week. The only consolation - if any can be found - is that it was a quick end for them. My thoughts are with all the families.


I know that sometimes I see things differently then most folks but it doesn't come from a bad place, just that my values are different so I hope this is comfort, not abrasive.

Seriously, don't let this get to you. Yes, I pay attention and you have a good heart and it's always sad when folks die early by accident.....but they were doing what they wanted. My kids and I have had this conversation more than I care to admit but they all know. If something bad were to happen while I was doing something that I wanted to's really ok. Part of "free will" is allowing others the same free will.....and it's hard sometimes when someone you care about does what to you, is something dangerous.

None of those folks thought they were going to die but they all knew the dangers......none walked away yet they had the choice. I did not board an excursion boat while on vacation because I had a choice and felt a risk for Kerry. They did not. It's cool.

I feel bad that they died in an accident but don't feel bad for them, as Lyn points out, they were dead before they knew they were dead.....all in all, not a bad way to go. I think they will find the bodies burned by the instant cavitation but they will have felt none of that.

If you aren't living, what are we doing?


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Jun 21, 2016
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I know that sometimes I see things differently then most folks but it doesn't come from a bad place, just that my values are different so I hope this is comfort, not abrasive.

Seriously, don't let this get to you. Yes, I pay attention and you have a good heart and it's always sad when folks die early by accident.....but they were doing what they wanted. My kids and I have had this conversation more than I care to admit but they all know. If something bad were to happen while I was doing something that I wanted to's really ok. Part of "free will" is allowing others the same free will.....and it's hard sometimes when someone you care about does what to you, is something dangerous.

None of those folks thought they were going to die but they all knew the dangers......none walked away yet they had the choice. I did not board an excursion boat while on vacation because I had a choice and felt a risk for Kerry. They did not. It's cool.

I feel bad that they died in an accident but don't feel bad for them, as Lyn points out, they were dead before they knew they were dead.....all in all, not a bad way to go. I think they will find the bodies burned by the instant cavitation but they will have felt none of that.

If you aren't living, what are we doing?
Yes, I get this.


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I know that sometimes I see things differently then most folks but it doesn't come from a bad place, just that my values are different so I hope this is comfort, not abrasive.

Seriously, don't let this get to you. Yes, I pay attention and you have a good heart and it's always sad when folks die early by accident.....but they were doing what they wanted. My kids and I have had this conversation more than I care to admit but they all know. If something bad were to happen while I was doing something that I wanted to's really ok. Part of "free will" is allowing others the same free will.....and it's hard sometimes when someone you care about does what to you, is something dangerous.

None of those folks thought they were going to die but they all knew the dangers......none walked away yet they had the choice. I did not board an excursion boat while on vacation because I had a choice and felt a risk for Kerry. They did not. It's cool.

I feel bad that they died in an accident but don't feel bad for them, as Lyn points out, they were dead before they knew they were dead.....all in all, not a bad way to go. I think they will find the bodies burned by the instant cavitation but they will have felt none of that.

If you aren't living, what are we doing?
Totally agree! One of the best ways to go. Doing something fun you wanted to do and going with any suffering or knowledge of it. The sad deaths are those lingering on in a nursing home with no life just existing.


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Mar 16, 2020
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London, UK
I scuba dived for years visiting numerous wrecks and reefs etc.. globally and appreciate/ understand pressure at depth along with the risks. Why anyone would want to get in a flimsy shell and voyage into the deep navigated by a game console is beyond belief . Many died on titanic and it should be left to rest and not pillaged or used as a tourist attraction. I am sorry for the 5 and their families RIP. Majority of the pieces are now raised so that will enable confirmation of what happened.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I scuba dived for years visiting numerous wrecks and reefs etc.. globally and appreciate/ understand pressure at depth along with the risks.

Congrats, you must have met some cool folks along the way....isn't that fun?

I compare your observation to the guy that goes fast on the street on his motorcycle then he graduates to the track and he learns what fast, really means. He generally doesn't ride too fast on the street after that....he knows better.

like you do.

I have read of his sub a couple of years ago, I read way too much but I keep up to speed on things that I might be able to buy to fly or drive in the air or underwater, how I found my latest toys. A Zapata flyboard isn't coming home anytime soon though.

Yeah, the voodoo science, The whole lets-go-to-as-many-engineers-as-we-have-to thing struck me as "basement tech", fine for a pool but I'm with you.