Take Your Tort To School Day

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5 Year Member
Nov 6, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Spokane, Washington
Today I'm putting on my crazy tortoise lady pants and visiting the local elementary school for tortoise show and tell.

I'll be toting our full grown Hermanns, Charm, as well as our friendly plush sulcata, NumNums.

Charm's job is to sit on a towel, eat spring mix and look pretty. NumNums is there for hands on demonstration: How does a tortoise flip himself back over? What are scutes? Where is the plastron? Etc

We hope to entertain AND educate. And maybe gently prevent one or two spur of the moment pet store purchases.

Wish us luck!


5 Year Member
Feb 18, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Winnipeg, Manitoba
RianSeeking said:
Today I'm putting on my crazy tortoise lady pants and visiting the local elementary school for tortoise show and tell.

I'll be toting our full grown Hermanns, Charm, as well as our friendly plush sulcata, NumNums.

Charm's job is to sit on a towel, eat spring mix and look pretty. NumNums is there for hands on demonstration: How does a tortoise flip himself back over? What are scutes? Where is the plastron? Etc

We hope to entertain AND educate. And maybe gently prevent one or two spur of the moment pet store purchases.
Wish us luck!

Or encourage it! Haha. We all know how most kids think.

Good on you... need more people doing just this. The public needs to be educated!
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