Time for a new enclosure

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Aug 3, 2012
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Hello everyone. I'm fairly new when it some to reptiles and could use some advice from the community.

I currently own a Vietnamese Blue Beauty rat snake named Twitch (not sure on the sex but it shakes its tail like a rattle snake when "she's" pissed off). She has shed twice since i bought her with the first being 2' 4" long and the second being 3' 1" inch. Given her growth its time to get started on her new tank and here is what i'm thinking:

4' L x 4' H x 2' D
Make the front a door for access
Screen lid with wooden stand below/above to hid lighting/misters
I was also thinking about buying an extra sheet to make a water section for drinking/bathing.

What i don't know is what i should go with for heating? Acrylic supplier? Thickness of the acrylic? And any tips you might have from your own builds. I attached a photo that is identical to what i was thinking (except for the $1000 price tag)


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poison said:
i would love to see pics of the snake :)

She just fed so i don't want to handle her but here are a couple of shots from inside her feeding cage.

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SnakeyeZ has a great thread on the species which includes some amazing photos. I found mine at the local shop for $90. His thread really helped to sell me on them:

His post here

They do have a temper but like many calm with regular handling. I was struck a few times in the beginning but she's mellowed right out. My eventual goal is to build 2 of the enclosures with a green tree python in the other.


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1/4 acrylic is what you want...and as for a distributor, find one close to you as shipping is super super expensive. Make sure it's also cast acrylic, all that other stuff is junk.


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AustinASU said:
1/4 acrylic is what you want...and as for a distributor, find one close to you as shipping is super super expensive. Make sure it's also cast acrylic, all that other stuff is junk.

Great to know. Unfortunatly i'm going to have to have it shipped in as i'm from a small town and all we have in area is 1/16 thickness


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Regarding the acrylic, make sure to compare shipping costs AND gas costs to go pick the acrylic up at the nearest supplier. I've never purchased acrylic and don't know what it costs to have it shipped, but, if it's over $50 in shipping and/or the nearest supplier less than a couple hours' drive away, you may find it cheaper to just drive.

Oh, and the built-in pool sounds like an excellent idea. Make arrangements to install a filter in it, as well, if you haven't already thought of it--it would make maintenance SO much less complicated!

And by the way... Your beauty is INSANELY adorable. Way to remind me how much I want one... LOL. The moment I'm in a place where I actually have room for 2 large adult Beauties, I am so getting one. :p


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Yea i thought about the filter and my local pet shop owner actually had a great idea. He suggested running the filter in combination with a waterfall. This could really help with humidity in the enclosure also.

I would love to find a mate when mine is sexually mature...but that would be a ton of extra work and hard to find good homes for any of the offspring i didn't want to keep. I'm leaning more toward getting an Emerald tree boa but i'm still torn. I really want to raise a snake from birth.

That's why i want to make this enclose right the first time...so i can line a bunch up next to each other.

Does anyone know how well a 100 W ceramic emitter will do heating an enclosure that size? Only needs to be about 82°F !? (plus basking of course). I'm curious if the heat will penetrate to the bottom or if i should plan on heat mats also.


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If you're trying to get the entire enclosure to stay at 82, then I doubt one 100 watt CHE will do the trick... Hmmm. Perhaps 2 evenly spaced CHEs, or a radiant heat panel. As far as getting the heat to penetrate to the bottom, maybe a small computer fan to help circulate the air? Mostly just throwing ideas out... It's kind of one of those things where you won't know for sure until it's all up and running.

Are you sure VBBs don't need a cooler ambient temp than that, though? I haven't kept them, but between what I've read on them and my limited experience with their relative the Taiwan beauty, it seems as though an ambient temperature in the mid 70s would be more appropriate, and then mid 80s for your basking spot. (This would also be easier to accomplish, depending on what kind of ambient temperatures your house keeps.)

For reference, here's a couple of the resources I'm basing this question on. The Blue Gorgon care sheet: http://www.bluegorgon.com/caresheet.htm, and the Rat Snake Foundation's species overview page seems to suggest it as well: http://www.ratsnakefoundation.org/i...tsnakes/89-orthriophis-taeniurus-callicyanous

I really like the waterfall idea. Hmm... I may have to borrow that for my Taiwan once she moves into a viv big enough to have a "pool."


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Add a filter....and a drain tube at the bottom so when you want to replace water completely it'll be like draining a sink.


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Floof said:
Are you sure VBBs don't need a cooler ambient temp than that, though? I haven't kept them, but between what I've read on them and my limited experience with their relative the Taiwan beauty, it seems as though an ambient temperature in the mid 70s would be more appropriate, and then mid 80s for your basking spot. (This would also be easier to accomplish, depending on what kind of ambient temperatures your house keeps.)

My understanding of the temp range is more of a seasonal pattern. Spring and fall temps near the mid to upper 70s, summer temps higher near mid 80's, and a brief winter period near 60 (if you want to induce hibernation). This does not include basking spots for thermal regulation, which they recommended about 5-10° higher than ambient.This info was from some breeders...though i can not remember the sites...in order to make the habitat as realist as possible and thus increasing breeding results. They also mention varying humidity to create dry/wet spells and lower humidity during the night, higher during the day. Though these are not necessary for success with the species, i'm trying to be as accurate as possible. The additional experience can only help when i move on to more "difficult" species.


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I see! That's really interesting. Honestly, I think this is the first I've heard of keepers trying to duplicate seasonal temp/humidity patterns to such an extent. It'll be neat to hear if/how that method of housing effects her behavior.


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Floof said:
I see! That's really interesting. Honestly, I think this is the first I've heard of keepers trying to duplicate seasonal temp/humidity patterns to such an extent. It'll be neat to hear if/how that method of housing effects her behavior.

I will certainly let you know if i see a difference.

(on a side note...twitch did not have a good day. She stuck my GF and i several times before calming down. Still have some work to go with her :) ) On the plus side got her new brooding lamp and 100w ceramic heater today. Got one of the fake vines with it. Seems really cool so will see how she likes it. ( link to item )
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