Tort Fort is finally finished!

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10 Year Member!
Nov 3, 2012
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Central Arkansas (we moved!)
I finally finished our tort fort, and it is no longer sitting on the ground! Our friend built this for us, and now the top and bottom have finally been put together. I love having all the storage, and it looks so nice, too! It is 6 feet long, and just under 3 feet wide. I haven't measured, but I think it stands about 4 feet tall, altogether.

Tort Fort front view.JPG

The tortoise table is the first thing people see when they come into our house - I am so glad that it is finally functional AND 'pretty' - don't you love the leg design of the dresser underneath? They look just like the little half-rounded opening into the hide house.

Tort Fort diagonal view.JPG

Our friend Andy built this from his own design, after sitting down with me to plan it. It is made of red oak, with some of the panels made of oak ply (everything structural is solid oak). The left side has a window that has a shutter, so I can look into the hide box, which is large, and filled with a nice deep layer of substrate for the tortoises to burrow in.

I will take some better pictures of the inside of the tort fort tomorrow in daylight. I added a pile of large-ish rocks for the torts to scramble over, as well as mounding the substrate up and over a very large flowerpot. The little Russians are having so much fun exploring! (The substrate looks dry here - I have moistened it in the meantime).

I double-checked my temps with a temperature gun, too, after putting everything back together. The 'cool' end is room temperature, at 69-71 degrees F at substrate level. The warm side is 82 degrees, and immediately under the basking bulb, I measured 97-102 degrees.
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That is beautiful, really beautiful. You both did a great job.


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Aug 23, 2012
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That is so attractive and functional as well. How long did your friend take to complete the fort? Yes, I think the half circle legs are a unique design. How long do you think you can use the enclosure before they grow out of it?


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Nov 3, 2012
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Central Arkansas (we moved!)
I"m not sure how many hours it took our friend... he charged us 2x the material cost (we bought the materials), which is about half of what he normally charges for custom work. Everything fits together so nicely, with dove-tail interlocking edges and such. It should last a lifetime. I covered the floor with vinyl flooring, and caulked all the seams - will have to re-caulk every now and then.

As far as 'outgrowing' - my Russian torts live in there during the cold months. During the Summer, they are outside, and as of next year, I'll be rotating at least 2 of the RTs out for hibernation, so at any given time there should only be 2 tortoises in there. It should be good for the rest of their lives (as a cold-month-enclosure). I'm hoping they will breed - the babies will go in a separate enclosure.

sibi said:
That is so attractive and functional as well. How long did your friend take to complete the fort? Yes, I think the half circle legs are a unique design. How long do you think you can use the enclosure before they grow out of it?


Well-Known Member
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Jul 18, 2011
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That is awesome!!! I would LOVE one! Our tort table is big and ugly. And the storage is a fantastic idea! I'm sure there's a marketing niche for this.....? :)


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Jan 17, 2011
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I love it. It's a very beautiful piece of furniture.
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